
Is public school supposed to be real easy the first day?

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cuz today was mine and the most work i did was copying dowm rules! i mean at ny old private school we axtually review or learn something the first day! I had to switch cuz my parents said the education was better. but it doesnt look that way to me! so am i wrong is it just cuz its the first day cuz all we did was talk bout procedures on how things run in each class so ya and by the way im in the eighth grade!




  1. yeah if your in regulars classes.

    But if you are in ap-college preperatory classes,then you get a s*it load of homework and assighnments first day.

    And why are you complaining? Most people are happy that they dont have to do work,i know i sure am.

    If you actually like work,then,you are just.....i dont even know..

  2. yes that's what the teachers do they tell what're going to be learing that year

  3. The first day at most schools is usually introduction - explaining the rules, reviewing the material that will be covered, handing out textbooks, getting to know each other.

    It just depends on the school and on the teacher.  Don't worry, it will get challenging soon enough.

    And please, use punctuation if you want people to understand you, much less take your post seriously.

  4. thats how u start off the first daii for all public skools

    they just go over rules and talk alot

    first daii is just so u get to meet ur teachers and learn bout them

  5. yeah that's typically how it goes. go over classroom rules, procedures. where to go for fire drills. and what is expected for the class. where things are, and most importantly a brief overview of the class, what its about and other things like that. its basically a day to get to know your teachers and find your classes.

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