
Is public transport really cheaper than driving with petrol prices at the moment?

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I found that a 10 minute car trip cost me $6 return by train. Would there be any chance that it would have cost $6 by car - I don't think so. Am I right or wrong? Also, if petrol goes up wouldn't bus fares rise as well to compensate the petrol increase? Has anyone actually switched to public transport due to petrol price?




  1. Usually- Yes. Remember; it's not JUST the price of petrol you're "spending" when you take your Car anywhere- You're ALSO paying for the "wear & tear" on the car... And if You sit down & figure out how much you Spend every Year on getting your car Fixed & Maintained, you'll be SURPRISED by how MUCH it adds to the COST of using your Car- every day! And the MORE to Use it, the cheaper- Public Transportation GETS. THAT's why aLOT of People have switched, lately... Owning & Driving a car is Just getting to be "TOO MUCH..."  :(

  2. I took the bus today and the guy sitting next to me was masturbating and a man sitting across the aisle was urinating on the floor.I moved to a seat at the back of the bus just in time to see a 300 pound woman give birth to what looked like a Flamingo.I jumped out the window and was run over by a garbage truck.I guess I'll drive my car.

  3. It would depend on the type of car you drive - SUV's use a lot of gas, and if you factor in a/c it adds up. But i would think that public transportation is definately cheaper.

  4. I know that I should have thought of all of this ten years ago, but did not. Where I live, public transport is not readily available. We call the silly stuff, gas. Laughing gas makes you silly! The whole world has gone silly, quite frankly!

  5. As a 20 year rider of buses, I can tell you that many people do choose to ride the bus to save money. I don't own a car and I feel my quality of life is better because of it. For quick trips to the store, I ride a bicycle.

    The cost of riding a bus is maybe $.40 per passenger mile and maybe less with the higher ridership rates recently.

    My costs would be about $1.70 per mile based on my commute, or $6,821.10. However, I'd also pay at least $100 per month for parking. That brings my annual cost up to $8,021.10. As the cost of gas continues to increase, using mass transit become even more cost effective.

  6. in Austalia esp Sydney public transport is rediculously expensive more so than driving

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