
Is punishing students harshly correct?

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Is punishing students harshly correct?




  1. Depends on what you mean by 'punishment' and 'harsh'.

    Strictly speaking, punishment is having someone else do/take what they don't like. And that depends how major the offence is.

    If you expel a student for not paying attention in class, would that be seen as harsh?

  2. Long story made very short.

    Punishment is the least effective way to encourage acceptable behavior. It should be used sparingly and only in severe cases of defiance or aggression. Students need to be taught and reminded of proper behavior constantly rather than punished.

    Never should a student be subjected to anything that can be construed as humiliating, demeaning, embarassing or physical.

  3. everythign has to have a consequence but not a physical one.

    a kid takes out a comic

    joey u have  to give met he comic and sit on the back table

  4. I'm gonna, harsh punishment is not correct.

    Actions should have consequences, yes. Acceptable actions should have positive consequences. Unacceptable actions should have negative, but logical consequences.

    For example:

    Acceptable Action--Julie has worked hard all day and has finished her work before others without disrupting the class.

    Positive Consequence--Julie is rewarded with extra computer time, library time, or recess time.

    Unacceptable Action--Sara has continued to talk and stray off task. Even after warnings, Sara refuses to do her work.

    Negative Consequence--Sara must remain inside during recess (or sit to the side of the playground) and complete the work she refused to finish.

  5. Punishing is not wrong but to do it harshly is. No one wants to be treated harshly.

  6. Depends if they are paying students, or not.

    If not, then why not

    If yes, then no, unless you like poverty.

  7. It depends what you consider harsh and it depends on what the student did

  8. What is your definition of harsh?

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