
Is pure memorization effective for a history exam?

by Guest31742  |  earlier

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It's how I've always done it, but I was wondering if there's any other method I'm missing out on.




  1. Here's a couple of tricks if you are going to memorize a bunch of stuff...

    If you have a list that you need to remember, like a list of names or places, make an acronym out of the first letter of each name.











    Then make up a sentence using those letters as the first letters of each word.  Make it crazy--you'll remember it better.

    Regularly my Stupid Sister Kisses Strangers That Got Big Assess.

    Then all you have to remember is the sentence, and the letters should trigger  your memory of the names.

    The other trick is, when you cram all this memorization into your head and it's time to go in and take the test, flip the test upside down, and write all the stuff that you memorized on the back.  When you take the test, you can just flip it over and read your own notes.  

    Good luck.

    PS You should learn to make mind maps too.  Super easy and effective.

  2. it also pays to remeber chronologic order

    it creates links between events in your mind and makes it easier to remember certain things

  3. Oh sure, it is. But, you could always use songs or poems to help you remember the dates and everything.

  4. Yep that's about it. I use to write and re-write my notes so I could remember the important dates and terms. Also would even make flash cards. When learning history you have to know the Who, What, When , Where, Why, and How of the events that took place. If you know those things for the main events then you will get an A every time. I know, that's what I had to do and I have a degree in history.

  5. Yes it can be effective, but what you really need to do is truly understanding the subject in order for you to make memorizing it easy. (or atleast at my opinion)

    Go on, I know.

    I've tried it.


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