
Is putting a 20 pound deposit for envelope filing for material a scam?

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I have seen an ad in the local paper for envelope filling but you have to put a 20 pound deposit down for the materials and then you get the 20 pound back once you have done 20 envelopes. Is this is a scam?




  1. That chances are it is a scam...they used to ask for £10, now it's £20? goodness it sounds like they are getting desperate.

    There is a lot of the activity going around, and has been for several years.

    It would be better to look for that kind of work, ( I'm guessing it home work) for your local Job Centre Plus.

    All the best in finding work.

  2. Yes with out even thinking about it, it is a scam.

    PT Barnum said it best, a fool and his money are soon parted.

  3. Hi, Josh,

    What they're not telling you, is that to get paid for stuffing the envelope, you have to "stuff" the envelope with material to send out to other suckers. To get those names and addresses, you must place your own ads.

    So, yes, it's a scam.

    Beware of most "business opportunity" ads. If the business was really so great, the company involved would be working the business themselves, not selling info to you. Many times, the business was a good opportunity -- in the past. So they bombard you with success stories from the past. You could have been one of them -- if you'd started two years ago! :)

    There are legitimate opportunities, but they mostly involved selling useful products and services. You may have to use common sense. As one previous answer pointed out, mail order companies don't need to pay people just to stuff envelopes, so there's more to the deal than they're telling you.

    On the other hand, many people make money online by selling products of other companies, for a percentage of the sale. This is legitimate -- it started with Amazon. And makes sense. If you can make money for a company, they should reward you with a percentage of the sale.

    Check out Commission Junction and Clickbank, to name two of the biggest affiliate programs online.

    For more info on online marketing, check out the discussion forum --

    best, Rick Stooker

  4. Wow, they are getting bolder.  It used to be that one or two coins would be enough to get on board with this nonsense.

    Why should anybody pay you for stuffing envelopes when there are machines that can do the same job many times faster than a human.  

  5. sign up here and get free money for nothing. i am! aha the world sucks that i can make money for nothing and you cant though eh! maybe not...

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