
Is "ALO" a Chinese word, because i notice that many Chinese like to use this word rather than Hello

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Is "ALO" a Chinese word, because i notice that many Chinese like to use this word rather than Hello




  1. aiyah.. ppl trying to speak english mah.  its normal, nothing funny lah

    i know some chinese say that but its understood when they say Alo(their slang) is actually Hello.

  2. I think it's a French word, since *they* are the ones who use it officially.  As a matter of fact, many people around the world use a different variant of "hello".

  3. this is the uniqueness of Malaysian ppl.

  4. Quite the contrary, Chinese I came across tend to emphasize the 'H' in the "hello" and pronounce it like "HA(h)-low".

    I noticed some Indian acquaintances say "Alo" with heavy Indian accent, though.

  5. well am from Iran and we pick the phone up we say Alo (if we r in iran ) if not then hello..and spanish ppl say alo 2

  6. short form just like sms :P

  7. Is it because chinese educated Chinese Malaysian can't pronounce 'h' or maybe they think it's cute to do so?

  8. you think this is funny huh..

    why are you so racist?

  9. no it is just their thick accent from chinese being their first language

    they are really saying (hah-low) "halo" but what you really hear is (ah-low)


    (    ) = pronunciation

  10. ''Alo ooooo ok ok lu mau berapa ha? ooo lu tunggu ok ok...''

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