
Is "Dowdy" a Puerto Rican last name? Because, I am trying to find my Grandfather, whom I have never met.

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Is "Dowdy" a Puerto Rican last name? Because, I am trying to find my Grandfather, whom I have never met.




  1. No, Dowdy is an English or Irish last name. Maybe your grandfather was part English or Irish. If it was his father's last name then maybe he was either of the two nationalities. If your grandfather's family settled outside of Puerto Rico, like in an island in the Caribbean that was English ruled, such as Antigua, Barbados, or the British Virgin Islands they could have changed the name to an English sounding one instead of their original last name.

  2. Dear:

    Dowdy or Daudi, is an arab name its means "from David". May be is Puero Rican because there was a lot of migration from arab countries in 1900 or before.

    A hug

  3. In the UK Dowdy is a varient of the surname Dowd and is a Northern Irish. A lot of descendents in other countries (esp. America) probably come from immigration due to the potato famine in the 1840's.


    Dowdy Name Meaning and History

    Northern IRISH: variant of Dowd.

    Dowd Name Meaning and History

    Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó O'Dubhda ‘"descendant of Dubhda"’, a byname derived from "dubh"  for‘"dark’, ‘black"’. The family were chieftains in Sligo and Mayo.

    English: from the personal name Dowd, a variant of David (which honors the greatest of the early kings of Israel. His prominence, and the vivid narrative of his life contained in the First Book of Samuel, led to adoption of the name in various parts of Europe, notably Britain, among Christians in the Middle Ages. The popularity of this as a personal nname was increased in Britain, firstly by virtue of its being the name of the patron saint of Wales (about whom very little is known: he was probably a 6th-century monk and bishop) and secondly because it was borne by two kings of Scotland (David I, reigning 1124-53, and David II, 1329-71). Its popularity in Russia is largely due to the fact that this was the ecclesiastical name adopted by St. Gleb (died 1015), one of two sons of Prince Vladimir of Kiev who were martyred for their Christian zeal. )


  5. What a name "IS" or isn't, has very little to do with finding family or ancestry.  Example.. a man named Dowdy may have been born in Europe, moved to Puerto Rico, and married there to a woman with solid ancestry there.  3 generations later, their grandson, who carries the name, has both ancestry from Dowdy but also from his grandmother's side.  Grandson named Dowdy may now have moved to the US, and turns out to be YOUR grandfather, who could be living in Denver.

    If you are wanting to find grandpa, the only clue you are giving is a last name. If he is living, it is contrary to yahoo rules to post personal info on here.  What we CAN tell you is that is used a lot to find people, and also (I have not tried that one, but it comes highly recommended).

    Starting with the basics.. if you are not an adult.. this is something that MUST go through your parents. If they have chosen to keep you away from  grandpa, it might be a family dispute, or for all we know, grandpa isn't a safe person for you to be around.

    If they are ok with it, or you are an adult... you need to look where he is last known to be (that could be anywhere, by how your question is worded). does have the social security death index for free, which you want to check first, so you know if he is living or not. You may find several persons with the same name.. so you NEED an approx. birth date, to sift them out.  

    If he is living.. you may want to ask about his siblings (sisters/women will be under married names), or if his parents were in the US, then you can look for a record (obituary??) for them.

    here is a list of sources/ sites that work with finding living persons.  I don't know which would be the best for you.

    Good luck.

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