
Is "Everything flows" a philosophy?

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"Everything flows" Is it a philosophy, yes or no?

Meaning, I step into a river, later I step into again, but I nor the river are the same.




  1. No it is not a philosophy. It may properly be an axiom of a philosophy. But it is a statement of epistemology and regards only one aspect of empirical or intellectual existence.

    Using that axiom in one's life, you would have to figure out how it fit the situation. Those answers as to how it fit the situation, when added up and placed in some sort of value-order, might constitute the system for a philosophy.

    But a philosophy does have a "system," properly speaking, and it's the methods one uses to put that axiom into play that would constitute the system.

  2. yes, it's the philosophy of Feng Shui

  3. yes its a philosophy

    Heraclitus by Hendrick ter Brugghen"Πάντα xoῥεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει."

    Everything flows and nothing is left (unchanged). or Everything flows and nothing stands still.or "All things are in motion and nothing remains still."

  4. Heraclitus also developed this idea, that, as Dylan wrote, "Everything passes, everything changes."

    Simon and Garfunkel developed the opposite idea, "I am a rock," which is more like Parmenides.

    Taoist thinkers combined the two, with complementary duality as both change and permanence, united in and deriving from, Plotinus' One.

    "A Philosophy of Universality," O. M. Aivanhov, and

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, are worthwhile.

  5. ...which direction is the river the philosophy, you stepping in and again later ...denotes your interest...enjoy...

  6. yeah i think its definitely "a philosophy".

  7. It's an observation.  A good one.

    Of course, ultimately there is no river and no "I."  But it's still a good observation.

  8. There are philosophies for every person who has ever existed...past, present and future...and many more to boot...some are relevant, others are's in the choosing that makes us who and what we are...

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