
Is "Global Warming" actually raising earth's temperature, or lowering it?

by Guest67073  |  earlier

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Overall, I see more evidence of an air temperature cooling, or a shifting, going on as opposed to a warming trend. Snow in warmer climates, cooler summers in cooler climates, milder I wonder if we are reahcing a global equilibrium more than a global heating...




  1. global warming means the globe is warming however, we are entering a cooling period

  2. Really nothing man can do at our current technical level can make any realistic difference in the earth’s climate. Now if congress had not killed SDI than we could have made a huge difference in improving the world’s climate.

    Added comment

    Dana really do you take us all for fools, this is like the hurricane charts someone recently linked to that scared a lot of people. If you extend that data back 50 more years without leveling the data it all averages to no real or significant change. As per usual all panicked over nothing of any real substance.

  3. even though it is a micro climate in the world....the forests of Colorado are being destroyed by pine beetle...the only hope is that the weather gets cold enough in the winter to kill it...but it hasn't.  I wonder just the opposite...  what will this warming up of the planet travel from denver to steamboat and almost every tree is dead.

  4. Is the world cooling

  5. it rises the earths temperature in some paces and cools it in other places

  6. Global mean temperature indicates the Earth has warmed.

  7. Overall the earth is getting warmer, what that will mean in terms of global climate is yet to be seen.  The earth's climate is very big and extremely complicated. At the present time there isn't enough knowledge to produce a mathemetical model that will accurately predict global weather, so we are stuck with waiting to find out what will happen.

  8. It's quite possible that the fresh-water melt from Greenland will force down deeper the Gulf Stream ocean current that flows north and keeps England warm - thereby causing massive cooling, perhaps even another ice age.

    Then, where will we be?  Burning more petro-products to keep us warmer further worsening the problem?

  9. "Man-did-it" global warming is NOT occurring!!  Gore & Company have done a masterful job of promoting a LIE!!

    Dr. Tim Ball, Historical Climatologist  

    On the real danger for Canada, global cooling

    Frontier Centre: We are all familiar with the modern theory that the world’s climate is getting warmer. Is it?

    Tim Ball: Yes, it warmed from 1680 up to 1940, but since 1940 it’s been cooling down. The evidence for warming is because of distorted records. The satellite data, for example, shows cooling.

    FC: Could you summarize the evidence that suggests the world is cooling slightly, not warming up?

    TB: Yes, since 1940 and from 1940 until 1980, even the surface record shows cooling. The argument is that there has been warming since then but, in fact, almost all of that is due to what is called the “urban heat island” effect – that is, that the weather stations are around the edge of cities and the cities expanded out and distorted the record. When you look at rural stations – if you look at the Antarctic, for example – the South Pole shows cooling since 1957 and the satellite data which has been up since 1978 shows a slight cooling trend as well.

    when David Anderson or the federal government says we are going to stop climate change, it is the most ludicrous statement in the history of the world. The climate changes all the time and dramatically. All you have to do is sit here in Manitoba and imagine that just 20,000 years ago, which in the Earth’s history is nothing, you would have been sitting under about 1,000 meters of ice. In fact, 20,000 years ago there was an ice sheet covering Canada that is larger than the current Antarctic ice sheet. All that ice melted in less than 5,000 years and we are not even sure where all the heat energy and the causes of that melting that occurred came from. So to suggest that the fractional amounts of CO² that humans are putting up has any influence on global climate is really quite ludicrous.

  10. Global warming means the planet's average temperature is increasing, as you can see in the graphs linked below.

  11. What you are observing is a basic fact of life, the weather and the climate it is based on is variable and affected by thousands of things we are only on the verge of discovering. The promoters of AGW are creating a false feeling of panic in the minds of people who do not have sufficient education in the issues in question. Why is it that those with decent education in the involved issues are all deniers for the most part.

    Geologists, oceanographers and meteorologist for the most part refuse to accept the conclusion promoted by the AGW people and instead clearly prove that our climate today and into the foreseeable future is operating well within its historical boundaries. Even local weather people not yet trained fully as meteorologists are scornful of the rhetoric put out by the AGW promoters.

    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamourous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.


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