
Is "Global Warming" the only science that people have to believe in?

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Is there any other science that requires people to believe that it is real?

If you have to believe, then doesn't that prove that we're not dealing with science, but faith?

No one believes what the speed of light is as science gives us the ability to calculate the speed, but still no one can determine what te temperature of the climate will be at any time in the future.

So what other science is like so called "global warming" that requires people to just believe it's real?




  1. have you noticed that the Global warming n***s are now explaining away the cooler temperatures we've been having by saying that we are in a temporary 10-year global cooling cycle , but after the 10 years are up in 2018, we'll begin to fry again.


    These global warming n***s don't know what the fck they are talking about.

  2. You don't have to believe anything.  Simply look up any of the scientific papers and understand them:

    The consensus was quantified in a Science study by Prof. Naomi Oreskes (Dec. 2004) in which she surveyed 928 scientific journal articles that matched the search [global climate change] at the ISI Web of Science. Of these, according to Oreskes, 75% agreed with the consensus view (either implicitly or explicitly), 25% took no stand one way or the other, and none rejected the consensus

    A very small percentage of people don't believe that the earth is warming.  Perhaps most of them simply haven't looked up the data:

    "Seventy-one percent say that global warming is probably happening, 6 percent believe it is probably not happening..."

    You don't have to believe in the Apollo lunar landing either:

    "A 1999 poll by the The Gallup Organization found that 89 percent of the US public believed the landing was genuine, while 6 percent did not..."

    It's interesting to see that roughly the same percentage of people simply tend not to believe in science.  What good would it do to try to convince that last 5-6%?

    Perhaps even more relevant, why do you try so hard to change the minds of the other 94%?  Why do you post questions that have no links to science?  Playing on people's emotions?  That seems a little manipulative.  Do you work for ExxonMobil, or one of the organizations that they fund?

  3. Science doesn't need to be believed, since it's based on fact.  Religion on the other hand...

    Global Warming isn't science.  It's religion.


    Its a big name.

    Like venus.

    after scientist explore the venus. the hottest planet in our solar system.

    why so hot there? why the planet closest to the sun not as hot as venus.

    u know that!!

    no life there.

  5. string theory

  6. Yes and thats a funny picture

  7. Gore has brain washed a lot of people but our teachers have helped.

  8. You don't have to "believe".  Scientists KNOW it's real and mostly caused by us.

    In science the word believed is often used to represent knowledge, that is accepted even though no one can claim actually experiencing it.  As in "It is believed that the Earth is 4 billion years old".

    Just the way a word is used, not having any great implications.

  9. NO by far not.

    The main elements of scientific method are as following:

    - characterization

    - hypothesis

    - predictions

    - experiments.

    Global warming is a theory elaborated on scientific methods.

    Based on the characterization (temperatures and greenhouse gases concentrations), an hypothesis is made that there is a correlation between both, thus allowing us to make predictions of the Earth temperature for a certain greenhouse gases concentration.

    Theories do not require people to believe them but rather to approach them in a critical way and verify every line of reasoning.

    Just be honest: so far nobody explained to me why an increase of greenhouse gases concentrations would not lead to an increased greenhouse effect (and therefore to a higher average temperature)

  10. Bob said:

    "You don't have to "believe". Scientists KNOW it's real and mostly caused by us."

    The IPCC doesn't even KNOW that it is warming--they are virtually certain. You don't know how science works, do you?

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