
Is "God" the answer - or just the question avoided?

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Aha! Obviously, as my Grandpa and my Dad taught me - any fool can think of an answer but it takes a wise man/woman to think of the question. And I always found that when one defined the question appropriately it answered itself. Maybe that's why so many answers aren't appropriate, and people find life so puzzling?




  1. Always or.

  2. I say God. Because the question avoided can't be answered. And if we can substitute God for the question and be happy, why not?

  3. Typically speaking, a god is just the question avoided - a way to bypass things without actually answering or comprehending or even thinking about them with, "GODDIDIT!"

    However, it depends on the question.

    Absolutes never are. :)

  4. God is the one asking the question and the one finding the answer.

  5. The question and the answer are Divinely Connected!?!?

    As above, so below.....

    As within, so without.....

    We can only experience that which we resonate with.....

    And so on and so....


  6. The question avoided, and the wrong question at that.

  7. Depends on the question

  8. Is "God ?  DEITY is personalizable as God. GOD is a word symbol designating all personalizations of Deity. God the Supreme--the actualizing or evolving God of time and space. God, as the First Source and Center, is primal in relation to total reality.

    God thinks and we are as is all creation, nothing exists out side of God. If God could stop being then you would not be. But God cannot be anything other then God. We can be some thing of our choosing or we can be what God would have us be this is what life is all about for us. Only God can make us greater then what we are, Nothing can be something, we cannot be greater then what we were created to be without God.

    We will survive this life to the next by faith in this God and nothing else will do.

  9. what question? i can't answer that question till you tell me the question

  10. God is the answer.

    John 3:16

  11. I think God is more of a question than an answer.

  12. hard to say. i suppose god could be the answer.

    if god is the answer to lifes great questions then i think we can be certain that none of the major religions have it right because they have all called questioning a sin.

    if someone thinks questions are so horribly sinful, it is because they simply do not have any answers.

  13. Avoided. The question of God is a no no. Intellectual pride mandates that God is surrender and it is to be avoided at all cost. Even if that means eternity.

  14. dont rely on god for help because he wont. you have to step up and do things yourself


  16. Depends on the question, depends on your definition of "God", depends on how one goes about using the answer to solve whatever problem prompted the question in the first place.

    But yeah, 99.9% of the time, it's just the question avoided.

  17. God is the answer avoided

    yet remembered when one is in life threatening situations  

  18. Ill have to say "The question avoided" due to process of elimination....

  19. God is *an* answer to some questions but never *the* answer.

  20. Among other things, God is a portion of our brains set aside for considerations of God. So at some point, nature seemed to favor the imposition of the God Concept.

    I can't imagine what question God causes you to avoid, except maybe why do I use science to answer questions that science is not designed to examine? So many people are science worshipers who do not even understand what they are worshiping, they just think science can do everything, and that scientific conclusions are carved in stone truths.

    I believe that 90% of what most people believed to be so for most of history was total hogwash, thereby, 90% of what I "know" to be so is probably total hogwash. I don't use science as a measure for all of reality and I don't take myself so damned seriously. Science is a tool, and probably so am I.

  21. no matter how intensive we avoid the question we will face it over and over again..Note. God is not a religion, or holy book, or anything you try identify with...God is like Nietzsche story. Nietzsche said God is dead, remember? God answered Nietzsche is dead...and that was factual.

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