
Is "It's a natrual cycyle" when referring to global warming, simply shaking the hands of polluters?

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Therefore eventually it will be considered a traitorous act.




  1. No - Polluting and it's a natural cycle do not go hand in hand.

    I for one feel that this Anthropogenic Global Warming hype is taking people's thoughts away from "Real" pollution. And to me CO2 is "NOT" a pollutant. Every living creature exhales CO2 when we breath. And it's not a filtering type mechanism, but our circulatory systems latching onto carbon molecules in our bodies as oxygenated blood goes through our system it changes to carbonated blood on it's way back to the lungs.

  2. ASk, Al Gore , his house burns up more energy in one month. than 40 average houses in a year. check out snopes .com He should be shot with his Nobel peace prize lol

  3. No because it is a natural cycle. There have been many of them in the Earth's past (eg. Ice Age?)

    Our carbon emissions are blamed and yet the carbon that is emitted through the burning of fossil fuels is 'carbon neutral' (all be it over a much longer period of time) The carbon hasn't just sprung up out of nowhere... fossil fuels are made up of the 'fossils' of trees and plants that died millions of years ago. When those were alive, they sucked that carbon out of the atmosphere, and now we're putting it back with cars and planes and what-not.

    I'm not against environmentally friendly products and the use of renewable resources in fact I'm all in favour of them. It's a cleaner and better way for us all the live. But reducing carbon emissions isn't going to stop climate change.

  4. These are 2 different issues.  The climate always goes through natural warming/cooling cycles.  There is no such thing as a static climate..

    We should and we are reducing the amount of pollution we emit into the air.  Pollution is a multi billion dollar business.

  5. No, it's not. There was a Holocene maximum when the temperature was way higher than today, and where was the CO2 then? The polar bears survived that, they should survive this. I think the CO2 nonsense is just so people get distracted from real pollution problems, like the Ozone layer and water pollution and stuff.

  6. I interpret your question as "If we are not leftists towing the latest propaganda, then we are traiters."   That is similar to how Stalinism, Maoism, and Nazism took over.   I suspect you are a polluter just as we all are.  The difference is you seem to imply that you are somehow above it all.  If you drive a car, warm your house, buy things from stores, or ride your bike, you are a polluter.

  7. heres what to do, get four friends, get five rings, point them at the sky, say the words "Earth wind water fire and heart" and then al gore will appear with a green mullet and solve global warming forever.

  8. No. There's very little correlation between pollution and global warming. In fact, aerosol pollutants in the atmosphere actually reflect sunlight away from the earth, resulting in global dimming, which provides a cooling effect. And one myth that needs to be dispelled right now is the idea that CO2 is pollution.

  9. The climate is not a thermostat that can be controlled by man. We can not simply wish the climate to be what we want.  Because I do not believe does not make me disillusioned but I want one just one prediction to come to fruition please.  More hurricanes were predicted and did not happen. The Southern Hemisphere had the coldest year on record. China and Russia are each experiencing the colder winter in 50 years, snow in Tel A Viv.  Are all of these signs of global warming? Probably not maybe cooling but then again everything goes through cycles. I think the Oceans and currents have more to do with anything but how can we stop those from flowing? We can not!

  10. Global warming is a normal part of the natural cycle of life.  HOWEVER, man HAS accelerated the process beyond normal ranges.

    Weather patterns have already shown changes that bring more snow and rain to some areas while other areas will experience drought.

    Meanwhile, the polar bears are failing as a species because of their shrinking habitat.  But the government will NOT put them on the endangered list because to do so would mean they CAN'T DRILL FOR OIL ON LAND OCCUPIED BY AN ENDANGERED SPECIES.


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