
Is "Public School System" just a low-profile name for "Indoctrination Centers"?

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  1. What a strange article.  I skimmed a little of it.  When I got to the part about religion promoting critical thinking, I tuned out.

    Dragonfly - I still don't get it.  Religion is build on there being an "aboslute truth" that cannot be changed, questioned, or proven.  How does that promote critical thinking?

  2. well I think they were actually going to name the whole system "Central brainwash Facility"--but due to the lack of actual education provided they thought it would be safer to use one one syllable word

    well luisamap--they do teach morals and ethics.  Thats why they invented the term Manifest Destiny--cause then God gave us the go ahead on the genocide of the native population.

  3. No, it's not. Public schools teach the basics like reading, writing, math, foreign languages, history, etc. They do not teach religion, values, ethics or morals.

  4. your whole life is an indoctrination center

  5. Perhaps "Second only to Marriage as Most Failed Institution in U.S." would be better.  If even indoctrination were taking place--at least that would be something.  

    Public school teachers should have their own magazine: Mediocrity "R" Us.  And good old boy administrators are clutching retirement with one hand and covering their butts with the other.  

    Privatize.  Give vouchers.  Empower schools to set curriculum and select or reject applicants.  The onus should be entirely upon the parents to find a school for their child.

  6. Yes and no. Many of the people involved in creating state funded schools had good intentions, but others including "the father of American public education" Horace Mann had a specific agenda. In the case of Mann the agenda was to move American morality away from Christian values and toward his own Unitarian (later called humanist) values. He virtually designed the school system in Massachusetts, the first state to provide fully funded education. He modeled the system after the Prussian system, which was designed to give the Prussian (German) government more control over the people's opinions and viewpoints.  (You don't have to take my word for it on this. It is all clearly stated in his writings.)

    The primary funders of public education bills were factory owners. Their intention in creating public schools (originally called common schools) was to ensure that the majority of Americans were educated at the level of the working class. They wanted to produce an uninterrupted supply of labor for the factories of the industrial age.

    The propoganda promoted public education as a way to ensure that every child recieved an education and to decrease the use of child labor. Most ordinary citizens who voted to enact the state constitutional amendments and bills did so based upon this premise.

    While the common schools of the 19th century gave respect to the values of the student's parents, modern public schools do not. Over the course of the 20th century various people and groups with influence over education and it's institutions chipped away at the traditional values which were once the foundation of our country.  

    The groups which have had the most success were (and are) humanists, athiest and agnostic organizations, and the ACLU. Today most (but not all) public schools work to promote the agenda of these three groups. The result has been a lowering of educational standards and critical thinking ability, an increase in juvenile delinquency, teen pregnancy, suicide, and an increasing rate of disrespect towards authority by children, teens, and adults. In the last 10 years, it has also led to an increase in discriminatory behavior towards the traditional American religions: Catholicism, Protestantism, and Judaism.

  7. No. You must mean 'Ineffectiveness Center'.

  8. Don't have time to read the article (maybe later) but I do agree with that.  Did you know that our school system is based on the one the n***s set up?  Talk about yikes!  The problem is that kids are not taught how to think anymore, and diversity in curriculum is suppressed.  They claim to encourage presenting all the sides of things, yet they usually fail to present the Christian view in, say, science, as to why embryonic stem cell research might be immoral...sigh.  Will they ever learn?

  9. The school system is an orderly, authoritarian system designed to keep people out of the work force for 12 to 24 years in an effort to let those in the work force continue.

    There is NO reason to take 24 years to become an "EXPERT" in something.

    But if the school system says it must take that long no one questions it.

    The system is designed to delay 50-70 million people from flooding the workplace at once.

    The system uses pre-requisites as a means to squelch advanced studies by those who can't master the pre-requsites as taught in a structured manner.

    No effort is made to help those who fail in key subjects.

    Then the 16 year old law is used to keep them out of the workforce.

    Then they 18 year old law is used to limit them in the work force.

    Then the salary structure is used in a technically illegal form of PRICE FIXING to limit how much they can make.

    Someone with only a HS education who OJTs or Unschools in, for example, electronics, can almost NEVER be rated as a full ELECTRONIC ENGINEER nor receive the salary of a FULL ENGINEER.

    As an example, a friend of mine is a Para Legal with 3 years of college, no law school and 15 years on both benches in the court room.  He is scraping his head at $50K a year, which is entry level salary for a lawyer fresh from law school and he knows far more about the courts system, the Work Mans Comp system then any freshman lawyer.

    But he will NEVER make the $100K a year an advanced lawyer quickly makes becuase he lacks the law degree.

    Another freind has a BS in Chemistry and is one of the foremost experts in Cinema history having run a private archive of his own collection of books and films for 40 years.  He trained under a major DADIST filmmaker in college, but his degree is not in Cinema and it's only a BS so he cannot lecture at an accredited college or university.  He can only lecture in the Extension courses.

    This is how the system works to keep people out and keep them in their place, despite their expertise.

    Now, do you want to learn Cinema History from someone who actually LEARNED from a historical figure in person, who actually FOUND nitrate origianals and at his own expense had them convereted into saftey film.

    Or do you want to learn from someone who was trained at college by someone who was trained at a college.

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