
Is "Rule Britannia" something to do with the monarchy or just a generally imperialistic slogan?

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Is "Rule Britannia" something to do with the monarchy or just a generally imperialistic slogan?




  1. It is a patriotic song.It is a pity there isnt more pride in this country.

  2. "Rule, Britannia!" is a patriotic British national song, originating from the poem "Rule, Britannia" by James Thomson, and set to music by Thomas Arne in 1740.

  3. A bit of history more like, Britannia did rule the waves and a third of the globe too... but that was two World Wars ago... now Britannia is a puppet state of the USA, with a variety of poodles as Prime Ministers each willing to do Washingtons bidding.

  4. The Verse is

    "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves"

    Its just a remnant from the days of Imperialism.

  5. "Britannia" is just a latin-ized way of saying "Great Britain". For a long time, it was England's goal to own the world. So "Rule Britannia" is the same as saying "You go girl!"


  6. Britannia was Sauron's ugly sister.  She had a small but loyal following.  After the Dark Lord was cruelly overthrown by the n**i Hobbits and their Axis of Evil Elves, her supporters encouraged her to rise up, take back the Ring and "Rule, Britannia".  Unfortunately, Tolkien died before he could get around to making it happen.

  7. "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves

    Britons never never never shall be slaves".

    I sincerely hope the second line is true, though the first is looking increasingly dodgy these days.

    Well, it has to do with the monarchy, because you can't extract the monarchy from our imperialist past.  In fact, Queen Victoria was Empress of India, wasn't she?

  8. It's a general imperialistic slogan which is now of course ridiculous and only sung by the sort of people who should be in care.

  9. just us lot thinking we are the best in the world.lmfao.

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