
Is "The Happening" too scary for a 12 year old?

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R rating seems to be strange these days, some movies that are R rated all kids see and love, other movies give them nightmares.

i usually ask him if he wants to see it, its his choice after all.

(he thinks suicide might be too scary)




  1. it depends -

    does you child enjoy horror films? If they enjoy them then if i were a parent i would take them but if they don't then do not take them to it

  2. It's rated R for a reason. I would never take a 12 yr ol to a rated R movie without seeing it myself first.

  3. well I'm 11 and i doubt it could be worse then cloverfield and that ain't scary at all

  4. make him see it

    its really exciting in some parts

    befre you do make him read twilight

  5. there alot gorer movie then the happining

    like canible holacaust,intruder,maniac

  6. It Depends What Other "Scary" Movies He Has Seen..

    If He Has Seen Quite A Lot Then "The Happening" Is Probabley Alright For Him. But If He Hasn't Seen Many Then Maybe You Should Look Up Scenes Of The Movie On YOUTUBE

  7. The movie SUCKS.  Go see the Hulk instead or save your money.  Even the director has come out and said he wants it to be like a "B Movie horror" movie where people think it sucks.  

    Beyond that there is violent imagery (mass suicides) that may be too intense for a child that age.

  8. It depends on the kid. I could watch ratted R movies when I was 5 and I was barely scared well except for Chucky. But my step sister who is 14 still cant watch movies like the grudge.

  9. Too scary um im 21 and I wont even watch the commercial it gives me nightmares!! Idont think a 12 year old should go to a PG13 movie let alone a R rated one!!

  10. if he likes scary stuff he will like it and if he doesnt get nightmares he will be ok. iam 11, a girl, and love scary stuff. iam going to go see it next toosday

  11. yeah dont do it...wacthing gory and supenseful movies might be too much for your child maybe at 13 But it all depends on how mature your child is too..

  12. Yes. Even though this movie is not all that killing stuff and not a scary consepct to us adults the thought to children is nightmare material.

  13. After watching it last night, I would say yes!!!! It is not a film for children. It freaked me out and im 26!

  14. It wasn't scary per se but you do see some graphic self harm. eg. someone being lawn mowered, lions ripping off limbs, corpses hanging from trees, and more. I'm not sure that it's appropriate for a 12 year old to see uncensored. But hey, it's your kid.

  15. Well, its rated R-- I would think it would be too scary. Look it up on wikipedia, it describes the movie-- it sounds too scary for me and I'm 21, ha!

  16. isn't it rated R? I wouldn't let them see it if I were you.

  17. I 've seen that movie and I am only 11.

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