
Is "Twilight" a good book?

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Lots of my friends read it, and it sounds good so I wanna get it.

But do you guys think it's any good?




  1. I'm in love with it!! I finshed it in 4 days. I got my family hooked on it.  

  2. It is the best book in the entire universe! hurry up and read it so u can catch the movie in december

  3. No, it's pure filth.  

  4. You will find that a lot of people on here will claim it's the best book they've ever read ect and yeah i think it was a great book and definetly worth a read and not the best i've ever read and not the best written but i think its agreat story and i think if you're friends have read it then it sounds like you will as well.

  5. I liked it, and each book in  the series gets better........

  6. It's okay but there are many other books out there that are better.

  7. yes i loved it

  8. you should definitely read it,

    just give it a try you don't have to like it

    lots of my friends had this reaction

    and now we're like the biggest pack of fanpires is my school

  9. Very much so.

    Twilight has charm and darkness. So if you like that then you'll sure to like Twilight.


  10. BEST BOOK EVER!!!!

    you shoul really give it a try

  11. I really liked it--its one of my favorites. and if u don't like vampire books a whole lot don't worry to much about it. a couple of my friends who aren't really into vampires read the book and really liked it anyway. its a little slow moving at the begining but it gets much better as u get further along.

  12. i didn't like it but my friend is CRAZY about it. you should try it

  13. it's amazing! you should definatly read it!

    answer mine?;...

  14. OMG!! IT"S THE BEST book EVER!! If you like suspense and romance you should read it. It makes you keep on reading and reading until you finish. The movie's coming out soon too. Read the book before watching the movie.

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