
Is "White" our national race?

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Is "White" America's and Australia's national race?

Why are asians and blacks always perceived as immigrants, no matter how old they've been citizens?

It's just a personal obesrvation. I don't know if I'm making myself clear. My point is, when you look at a white American man, you don't question his ancestry . But when you look at a an asian, you feel he's a recent immigrant, and not an authentic citizen.

I saw many brochures advertising for the United States, and most of them showed white cowboy men and blonde girls.

Why are only european immigrants perceived as the authentic citizens, while non-whites are viewed as foreigners. For instance, when you think Australians, you think white anglo-saxon men, although Australia is, too, a country of immigrants.

Why is "white" the national race?




  1. I remember many years ago when I was working - a European looking lady came up to me for assistance - I looked at her name as she showed me her passport, and asked if she was Italian.   She looked at me angrily and said :  I am not Italian, nor am I American, but I am a HUMAN being, and deserve to be treated as such.    After that, I hesitated asking people what RACE they were.   Race has been politicised too much in the last century.   Adolf Hitler tried to prove the superiority of the Aryan German race, and look what happened in the end.    Racial superiority is a myth.   All races have their beauty and God given genius.   Even the Iraqis who are at war today were once the supreme civiilization of the old world, more than 5000 years ago!!!

  2. I wasn't aware that we had a national race Adolph!!!!

  3. liberty and justice for all

  4. Firstly, anthropologically speaking, white is not the race, that would be Caucasoid.

    Secondly, when I think of Australia, I think of the Aborigines or the indigenous peoples of that land.  Remember, white Irish citizens were taken there as prisoners so they were the "immigrants."

    I am a white American male.  Living in America, everyone looking at me should question my ancestry as I am not indigenous to this land.  My family were immigrants to this land from Ireland and Scotland.  Aside from native Americans, we are all ancestors of immigrants.

    White is not the national race but the color of the largest population of settlers and immigrants to this nation.

  5. Americans are not "white", Native Americans are the American "race", even though any US person is American

  6. White only seems to be conditioned in everyone as being this sort of thing. The inventors of television were caucasian so it would be understandable of why they put only caucasian actors and actresses on TV. Then it got to a point where they only wanted  that. So it got out of hand. Thus caucasians became a symbol for everything promoted on TV, and everything promoted on Tv was a symbol for this thing they call the Amerigan life.

    So when these conditioned people see caucasian faces they see it as normal. It is just another way of this Cult of Personality factor conditioning everyone no matter their race to see caucasians as dominant and ideal. It was not very difficult when all other races were denied their rights and were made second class, and less than.

    It started in Europes fraternitys, cults, and then when money was introduced, of course only a few became rich.

    So it is easy in North America for them to have continued doing this, by denying people money, making them property, taking their original citizenship and claiming that only rich ideal caucasians could be influential and powerful.

  7. 'White' is a color and not a race.

    My Irish Catholic ancestors to Boston Massachusetts are still considered 'immigrants' by the Anglo Saxon Protestants; and only a racist would call the Irish 'white'.

  8. Perhaps it's because this country was fought for and created by Europeans?  Our ancestors died to create this place, for us to be free and flourish.  White is our National Race because we descend from the European people.  And you are trying to speak for everyone.  It's easy to tell who is an American and who is not.  It is not simply based off the colour of skin.  Accent, speech patterns, etc.

  9. I believe the qualification that satisfies your question is: The indigenous populations that were here for 1000's of years before "America" was discovered by Caucasians.

  10. actually you whites are immigrants, as us Native Indians were here LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before you were

  11. That question is best answered by a story a Dutch friend told me. She said that when a tourist arived in Holland one day, he was perplexed and amazed that there were so many different flowers in Holland and excitedly told his Dutch hosts " I was told the Dutch only grew tulips!"

    Dont get all excited by the non accuracy. Maybe there were no other races in the modeling company when they called for the photoshoot of that particular brochure.

  12. I see your point and it is a strange situation. I have also known instances in which a non-white person has been asked their ethnicity and seen as immigrants despite the fact that they can trace etheir family history in Australia for many generations. I believe that it would have to do with the fact that whites are the majority so people see this as the stereotype of what it means to be an Australian. However, I have a friend from Sudan and he said that he was shocked to find that white people not only lived but were the majority in Australia, rather than aboriginies. So the stereotype does not hold true for everyone. However, in the future this will all change as people become more educated on other countries.

  13. i thought the human race was the national race.

  14. I was very enlightened by this question/answer by people discussing the issues and not claiming ownership, with one line answers that described the total knowledge of the situation. Thank you, you made my day.

  15. Simple...  There are more whites than other races. (For now)

    Soon the national race will be mexican.

    Plus the initial immigrants were white. First come First Served.

  16. Because old prejudices die hard.

  17. White is not a national race. We have no national race in the United States because we have people from all over the world that are citizens. The one thing we have in common is that we are all Americans.

  18. I have been under the impression for my 61 years on this planet that there is only one race in the world:  the Human Race.  Am I mistaken?  If so, please enlighten this aging man.  Your answer is NO.

  19. Marketing!  The "young" (ageism) "white" (racism) males (sexism) are the ones with the well-paying jobs  with "disposable income" to spend on cars, electronic gadgets, etc.

    Also history books are mostly written by middle-class white American (or Australian) males of Western European ancestry.

  20. Its nice to see immigrants who have been here only the last 50 years try to take credit for whats been done for 500 years.

    I am not white or black but I can safely say that we came here in the last 50 years because this country was already rich and we could siphon some of that wealth into our pockets.

    If it wasnt for what the whites (and blacks) did here in the last 500 years I would have gone elsewhere.

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