
Is "abstinence only" s*x education just political speak for no education.?

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In other words, teachers are expected to teach not to do something but they can tell you what that something is. If they teach you anything at all that is.




  1. 'abstinence only' means they not only want to illegalize abortion but they are working on illegalizing birth control as well.  Geesuz, these zealots are a scarey bunch.  They want to control every single square inch of your body, you mind and your belief system.  By making sure you don't have an education, it's one way that has worked to control people in the past centuries.  In other words, it's a time tested system that works.  Until some intelligent people decide enough is enough and rise up.

  2. Abstinence-only education consists of two words.

    "Don't" and "F%#k".

    I'm not certain what they do for the rest of the semester.

  3. From what I heard it just talks about not having s*x, which is stupid. However I do not know if that is true.

    I Would hope they would teach about everything.

  4. There is always plan B, get married if the non-education does not work.

  5. Yes. I believe they also must use hand gestures exclusively. It's a non-verbal class.

  6. Parents should be educating their kids on these matters, but not just by presenting their own view(s), rather the other views on abstinence. And since the child is not of legal age to decide, they should make their decisions on or after their 18th birthday, not while they're still wasting their lives learning elementary things they'll likely never remember in high school.

  7. s*x education use to be the job of parents . Abstinence only is a moral issue . How it got into public education ? In history the moral standard was higher and the norm was not to have s*x till after marriage .

  8. the GOP has always been in favor of "no education"

    expands their voter base.

  9. Educated people can not be manipulated. First thing to destroy are schools, and Bush and republicans do great job in destroying public education and buying off evangelical preachers to bid they cause.

    Abstinence is pondering and trade of that corporate elite( who do hold all power) have made with religious leaders for support.

    No wonder all religious nuts call them self sheep.

  10. Yes. Well its because of something called "censorship". Our educators want to be so politically correct that its practically useless to teach children how s*x works, how to avoid unwanted pregnancy; and why some people prefer partners of the same s*x as opposed to the opposite s*x.

    But noooooo......both sides of the polical fence have no realistic concept of how important it is to teach children that s*x is part of human nature, and it can be controlled in a way to make it safe.

    However, in a society that praises and codifies safety, safe s*x is just not one of them.

    Or should I say, its okay to practically force every coffee vendor to put some sort of little cardboard cushion around the styrocup, to make a cup of coffee safe, but s*x can be as dangerous as it gets.

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