
Is "color-coding"or restriction of specific cars roaming in Manila roads still enforced?

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Is color-coding in Manila still in force? (why it is named so, when the car plate number, not the color, is the concern).

I am from the province and do not know if this absurd rule is still applicable and followed.

My car plate ends in "9" so I end up hiring another car on a Friday just to get around Makati, and get dismayed seeing other vehicles with "9" roaming on the road on a Friday.

I have asked the LTO office in Batangas verbally, but they referred me to call Manila LTO office to get the answer. Typical efficient government employee. They do not know most of anything or just lazy?

Please ,may somebody explain the rules?




  1. When the "color-coding" started car plate numbers were assigned colors but now to make it simpler its just by numbers. This is still enforced.

    What time did you go to Makati? If its after 7pm its okay.  Chances are those cars you saw in Makati would have already been caught by the notorious Makati Traffic Enforcement Unit and fined P500.00

    car plates ending with these numbers are restricted on these days: (from MMDA Regulation No. 96-005)

    1 & 2 - Monday

    3 & 4 - Tuesday

    5 & 6 - Wednesday

    7 & 8 - Thursday

    9 & 0 - Friday

    The LTO does not implement the "UNIFIED VEHICULAR VOLUME REDUCTION PROGRAM" or "color-coding" its the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) MMDA Resolution No. 03-10 Series of 2003

    below is an except of the resolution:

    ...the Council hereby re-implements the Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Program on all roads in Metro Manila with the following modifications:

    1. Private and Public Utility Vehicles - from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.

    2. Window Hours for Private Vehicles- from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

    3. Exempted from the UVVRP - Provincial buses, shuttle buses, school buses and motorcycle units

    4. Makati City and the Municipality of San Juan will implement UVVRP (Number Coding) from 7:00 A.M to 7:00 P.M. without window hours for private vehicles.

    This Resolution shall take effect March 17, 2003.

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