
Is "global warming" a crock?

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Temperature in the single digits here. 3" or so of snow/ice overnight. It's 40 below in Minnesota. Doesn't sound very "warm" to me.




  1. Because global warming is not a blowtorch that eliminates winter. It's a small but steady increase in AVERAGE temperature that will cause great damage if we do nothing.

    For a short time, in some places, winter weather can overcome global warming. But, long run, over the whole Earth, the AVERAGE temperature is increasing. NASA data:

    We need to do something about that.

  2. Yes. "Global warming" is just a ploy to get more control over people's life. If Al Gore (and others) was really concerned, he would not be using 10 times the electricity in his house as the average house and flying all over in his private jet.

    The recent global warming conference did nothing but waste jet fuel flying 100's of planes to the resort place.

    The record cold temperature of 40 below zero at International falls is one example. But most places have been cooling down since around 1998.

  3. h**l yeah its a crock no offense to anyone else cause they can believe whatever they want but i think its a load of bullsh*t

  4. No, not even close:

    The progression in understanding is explained in detail by a physicist/historian on this site:

    Impacts of Global Warming

    The Discovery of Global Warming

    This physicist's own informed conclusion regarding on global warming:

    The only "crock" involved is the propaganda that ExonMobil spews, creating the false appearance of debate:

    Exxposing ExxonMobil's Agenda: Manipulating Politics and the Public

    Denial is also viewed by some as an important public facade to maintain, for their personal gain:

    "A recently leaked memo written by Frank Luntz, the US Republican and corporate strategist, warned that 'The environment is probably the single issue on which Republicans in general - and President Bush in particular - are most vulnerable... Should the public come to believe that the scientific issues are settled, their views about global warming will change accordingly. Therefore, you need... to make the lack of scientific certainty a primary issue.'"

    Even the most skeptical scientists won't put their money where their mouth is:

    In 2005, Annan offered to take Lindzen, the MIT meteorologist, up on his bet that global temperatures in 20 years will be cooler than they are now. However, no wager was ever settled on because Lindzen wanted odds of 50-to-1 in his favor. This meant that for a $10,000 bet, Annan would have to pay Lindzen the entire sum if temperatures dropped, but receive only $200 if they rose.

    “Richard Lindzen’s words say that there is about a 50 percent chance of [global] cooling,” Annan wrote about the bet. “His wallet thinks it is a 2 percent shot. Which do you believe?”

    The well documented oil industry campaign to deny that that global warming is happening, or to claim that it is not harmful, is the crock.

    Think about it... how much would the one degree of warming so far affect Minnesota's winter temperatures of 40 below?

  5. I tend to think it is a crock.  A big, stinky crock that reeks of corruption and manipulation.  There are a lot of scientists that will attest to the fact that it is a crock, but we never hear about that in the mass media, because there is more money to be made by perpetuating the Chicken Little global warming

    hysteria.  is a great site, and has a video that is the antithesis to An Inconvenient Truth.  Worth checking out.

    Just my opinion.  I really wonder how all the snow and cold this winter are explained.  Oh, but wait....of course!!  It is cold BECAUSE the globe is getting warmer.  Riiiiiiight.

    If it hadn't been for "global warming" most of the North American continent would still be under ice.  What is being hyped as impending doom is just part of Earth's natural cycle.  Just because there are more men on the planet than there were thousands of year ago doesn't mean that man is the cause.  

    It is also a natural phenomenon for species to go extinct.  I know that I, for one, am glad that there aren't saber toothed tigers and t-rex dinosaurs still running around.

  6. no its not a crock

  7. Yes, but is a crock that makes lots of money for some.

  8. It is +49 right now here in Austin, Texas. Last weekend the highs were in the 80s. This is an unusually warm for winter even for Austin.

    So one place being colder than usual is in no way proof that "global warming is a crock". Now if you average my +49 with your -40 and with every other temperature in the world from pole to pole and over the ocean, and then averaged that for every minute of every day for a year, and then plotted that average year by year for decades, and if some years are warmer but others are cooler but a least square fit is an upward trending line, then THAT is global warming. Even if the trend is only up 1/2 degree for 50 years, which is exactly what we ARE seeing.

    People who think you can see global warming by today's temperature at their home are being hopelessly naive.

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