
Is "good" and "evil" just cultural terms and beliefs?

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The idea of "good" and "bad" is pretty varied in this world. Corporal and violent punishment may be somewhat frowned upon in the USA but in Islamic Middle Eastern countries its normal. To Christians their way is the only way and all others are "Satanic" to them, however those who practice what Christians accuse of being "Satan" see it differently and most do not believe in the concept of Satan.

Some tribes its normal for a woman to be topless meanwhile here in most developed countries women must be clothed (in some countries fully clothed). Generally homosexuality is frowned upon in most developed countries but some tribes practice it as a rite of passage and some countries are more tolerant to same-s*x relationships.

With all the diversity in this world and different cultures, attitudes and beliefs would it be safe to say "good" and "evil/bad" are more cultural and of society than actual entities?




  1. You try Socrates...he talks a lot about the contradictions in calling things bad and good. The nature of Good and Evil behavior is a philosophical group called ethics.

  2. You have opened your eyes and come to a truth. Although, as much as good and evil are cultural terms and beliefs they are also entities. You will find them in all cultures and beliefs. We may not be able to define and it may very well be us.

  3. I think "good" and "bad" are mostly determined by cultural faith. Your points are well stated, and you answered your own question. The exception would be things like murdur for no reason. I think most societies would agree that this is inherently "bad". Even Incan sacrafices were not for no reason-they had spiritual meaning. I'm talking about just randomly offing someone because you feel like it. Also, taking your neighbor some food or other valued and helpful item would likely be seen as "good", no matter what the culture or faith. These are only two examples, but there are other inherent "goods" and "bads" that all humans agree upon. These are the result of evolution. They allow us to work together and propagate the species.

  4. good and evil are more than cultural terms or beliefs. i could sit here typing for days on the topic, so i'll be more broad.

    evil is on the flipside of the coin to the good side. if there is good anywhere, evil is there as well. but on the other hand, if there is evil anywhere, there is good. here is an example:

    remember in the Holocaust, how 12 million people were killed because they were religious? that is pure evil, isn't it? now i am not an antisemitist, but when hitler cause this huge deal, he was giving hope to germany, which was in its third depression in 2 centruies. keep that in mind when you think of their dealings. they are still wrong, bt explain their reasoning. for hope, some told themselves. and hope is good.

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