
Is "home schooling" legal in the U.S.?

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It sounds like there are a lot of Americans who are home-schooled.

It sounds a bit freeky to me. Maybe a little too much indoctrination going on.




  1. yes it is legal. theyre are mnay schools that give students teachers and books to get them through their academics and its great for certain people

  2. Seriously? Yes homeschooling is legal in the US. There is a growing number of US homeschoolers. One of the biggest reasons sited for homeschooling is to AVOID the indoctrination that is going on in the public schools.

    And, since when is it considered "indoctrination" to raise your children within your belief system? That's just weird. It sounds to me like you think the government has a better claim on a child than his own parents. Very odd.

  3. No. There's 1.5 million people in the US openly breaking the law.


    What's freaky is forcing your children to a government building for eight hours of indoctrination every day. Sounds a bit like "Stranger in a Strange Land", or perhaps "Brave New World" Try reading them, it's eerie how accurate they are.

  4. There isn't anything freaky about it. Many people do it to avoid what they see as indoctrination from public schools.

  5. Homeschooling is how most people received an education before public schools came into being. It wasn't considered freaky then and isn't freaky now. Has nothing to do with indoctrination, which makes me wonder how YOU'VE been indoctrinated to see Americans and homeschooling.

    Homeschooling is legal in the US, Canada, UK, Australia and other places. People choose to homeschool for a variety of reasons, and most often NOT to allow their children to only see things one way.

  6. I think you have it backwards. The indoctrination goes on in the public schools. Homeschooling is 100% legal in all 50 states and Canada, the U.K., Australia, and some other countries. And in many cases it works wonderfully and produces well-rounded, well-adjusted, and most of all well-educated students. Do some research on homeschooling in the US before deciding it's freaky.

  7. of course, its legal!

  8. Yes, it is completely legal in US, Canada and UK (and many other countries).

    Indoctrination? You have to define that...I'm into a "freethinkers_humanists" hommeschooling group, there are other groups that are plain atheists, secular, christians, muslims, etc.

    Most people don't homeschool for religious reasons (or the lack of religion) but because they believe in the uniqueness of every human being, that is being disrespected in the school system. Most people believe that every child has his own learning style, pace, needs and interests and that the school system can't respect and fill all those needs, styles and interests.

    For many children, school is good and sometimes better than stay at home being abused, neglected or just doing nothing. But for many children, being homeschooled is a need, and act of love from his parents, sometimes an emergency because that child has been taught that he is a failure at school, is being bullied or has really deep problems that have to be addressed face-to-face, one-to-one.

  9. Yes. it is legal.

    One of the definitions for indoctrination is:

    ":to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments :,  to teach"

    Yes.   There is a lot of that going on and I really don't think of it as a bad thing.

  10. As you have already found out, it is legal in the United States and many people go that route becasue they don't like the public or private school system. I guess how you could see it as you never leave the house or something, but i am homeschooled and i have friends, i play sports, i am in clubs, and i know what i am doing with my life. you could say we are more disiplined.

    But you can't just all of the sudden deside you want toull your child out of school and you are going to homeschool them. You have to go to class and you are resposible for knowing everything to help your child learn.

    Another route you can go is to let a teacher homeschool your child. I know what you are saying..Doesn't that kinda take away from the whole "homeschooling" thing?

    Actually no. All homeschooling means is that a majority of your school work is done at home.

    The way most children are doing it is going to school a couple times a week for a few hours and having a bit more homework than usual.

    People are afraid of it but really, if you don't like the public school system and you want to pass all of the juinor high and high school drama, this is a GREAT choice.

  11. There are a lot of people in a lot of countries all over the world who homeschool.   Yes it's legal everywhere, I believe,  except for Germany.

    Don't worry about it folks.  This person is just looking for reactions.

  12. Yes home schooling is legal in the US.  It lets parents avoid the indoctrination and cult like environment of the public school system.  It allows for true socialization as opposed to forced socialization, such as forcing children to sit in a classroom with 25 kids all of the same age who are not allowed to talk to each other.  It allows children to actually learn instead of being forced to memorize answers for standardized testing.

  13. It's a very small percentage. The ones you hear about would be fundamentalists if they went to school.

    When you're homeschooled, any opinion you have is instantly dismissed as indoctrination. Therefore I (an atheist libertarian being raised by an atheist socialist and an Buddhist socialist) think any real answer would be dismissed by you.

    Oh, and here's a little logic puzzle for you.

    Most American people are Christians.

    All American homeschoolers are people.

    Does it logically follow that most homeschoolers would be Christians?

    Think about that for a while, then call up some of your high school teachers.

    If you add anything else I won't be able to respond to it. I've got a couple friends up here in the mountains for the weekend and they're ready to head out for a snowball fight.

    I really wish I had six hours of busywork to turn in to a bureaucrat at a state-sponsored propaganda-camp hellhole. That would be so great.

    Instead, I must resign myself to snowball fights, sledding, and maybe a proof or two if I get bored tonight.

  14. Of course it is!  There are well over a million (probably closer to 2 million or more) homeschooled kids in the US.  It is legal in all 50 states.

    Sorry it seems wrong to you - maybe a little too much indoctrination going on *there* - but homeschooling is legal all over the world.  Germany is one of the only countries that doesn't allow it, and that's because of a law that Hitler put into place.

    Kids are homeschooled for many reasons; however, they often outperform their classroom age-mates on standardized and college entrance tests, and universities pretty much love them because of their high academic standards and responsibility.

    Nope, not indoctrination...just good, solid, individualized education.

  15. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states of the U.S.

    You are right, there is too much indoctrination going on... in the U.S. Public Schools.  That is one of the reasons many of us choose to homeschool, to avoid the indoctrination of the Public School.  Schooling is supposed to be about getting an education, learning to read, write, do math and science, and learn about history.  That is not what happens in Public Schools anymore, much of the time is spent trying to push a political agenda instead.  With homeschooling, our children can be free to learn ACADEMICS, instead P.C. garbage.

  16. "homeschooled" has become a popular slang insult meaning freaky.

    the public perception and to some degree realistically that homeschooled kids arent socially assimilated and therefore are freaky.

    i know a family of 3 kids, and they are all brilliant artists.

    american schools are underfunded, plagued with problems and are very distracting. more and more people are turning to this as a way to teach their kids without all the distractions.

  17. I was home schooled in first grade. I had to have to years of private school, because I started school a year early to be with all of my friends. I went to a private school in kindergarden and in first grade was home schooled. It's not bad.

  18. Are you nuts? Indoctrination!!! No likely! Some people here like me choose to truly educate our kids! The public schools are full of indoctrination. They don't teach more than 1 theory and thats the state religion (Evolution). True education teaches all sides of an issue.

  19. yes its legal..i think it should be the childs choice though, all children are diffrent. i think people should at least give regular schools(if they can afford private, choose that) a chance, sometimes they work well for kids. if not, there is absolutly nothing wrong with homeschooling.

  20. Homeschooling is now and always has been part of American culture.  Many great historical figures here homeschooled, Sandra Day O'Connor, Laura Ingles, Will Smith, Andrew Carnege, George Washington Carver, etc.

    Indoctination is not done at home.  It's done in the public school system.  One of the main reasons homeschooling has become so popular is because parents are concerned about what is going on in the public schools.

    In this nation, have been strip searched while crying for their mommies at public school.

    The atrocities that happen at public schools in America cannot be fathomed even by some who live here... guns, shootings, rapes, drugs, bullying, etc.  Homeschooling is a much healthier option.

    It's not freaky.  Didn't your Mom take care of you when you were little? teach you to count, to brush your teeth, to know colors and ABCs?  Why do you think your Mom couldn't teach you to read too?  She didn't loose her ability to be your Mom just because you turned 6 and got on a yellow bus to go to school.

    Homeschooling is very normal.  And yes, it is very popular. That's because it is better to raise a child in a home with a family rather than in an institution.

  21. yes its legal

  22. Yes it is legal in all states and in other countries too and that will not change anytime soon.

    More and more people are choosing to homeschool because they are tired of their children being "indoctrinated" by the Public school system.

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