
Is "human interaction" a factor in anxiety and subsequent depression?

by Guest10879  |  earlier

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i have found that w/ increased levels of anxiety, my central nervous system and brain go through a "shut down", and within only hours i fall into a depression. is there a relationship between negative human interaction w/ one another and higher levels of these stress hormones -that i have heard about?




  1. Human interaction is a factor but MORE so, it is the way YOU cope with the interaction.

    Whatever crosses your path in life, you will have learned skills to cope with it in such a way that it does not bring you off balance.

    If things DO bring you off balance, it is not the 'things' that do that, but it is the way you ultimately cope with the 'things' that cross your path. If you have not got enough skills to cope with life effectively (so that you do not fall into depression with every hickup), you need to work on learning more skills. Councillors can help you, psychologists, social workers, self help groups, etc.

    Your life is lived by YOU and you only.

    Only YOU can make decisions about how YOU feel, no matter how anyone, anything or any situation 'treats' you.

    If you 'blame' external things/people for how you feel, you are clearly giving away your power and you will feel not in control of yourself. Nothing will 'give' you back your power, you just have to keep hold of it in the first place.

    I hope I make sense.

    Good luck.

    Dive within and find your strength!

    Chin up, laugh out loud, chant 'I can do this just as well as the best of them' and go for it with an open heart, an open mind and firmly planted feet on this earth.

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