
Is "lean on me" a good song to sing for a talent competition?? if not what song would you recommend???

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Is "lean on me" a good song to sing for a talent competition?? if not what song would you recommend???




  1. I think that's an excellent choice! It was an option on American Idol so go figure!

    The song itself is good because it has a simple melody and chorus, thus leaving lots of room for stylizing. In addition, people just seem to really like the song and its message.

    Just be sure to make it your own. SHOW your talent, don't just sing the song.

    Good luck!


  2. Well i guess i depends on if it makes you feel comfortable (voice wise) singing it. If its too high or too low the judges probably will recognize that and probably wont give you that high of a score. It all depends on your voice and also if you like the song. If you feel comfortable with it, then i think it is a great song! It has a good message, a great tune, and it is a classic oldie so the judges could probably hear the first measure and be "I remember this song!" Also the audience would probably be dancing in their seats trying not to sing along because its just one of those fun songs!

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