
Is "learning to love yourself" like Whitney sang, really the greatest love of all?

by Guest45342  |  earlier

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You can love yourself till the cows come home, but if you don't have anyone who loves you back (for all those fabulous things you love about yourself) aren't you just an arrogant, lonely sod?

At the end she sang, "And if by chance that special place that you've been dreaming of leads you to a lonely place" (in other words, you love yourself but no one loves you) "find your strength in love"...WHAT?? If you are lonely there, in that special you are supposed to continue deluding yourself by thinking that your own personal love will sustain you?

Anyone find this valid?




  1. Sure you have to love yourself.  The only other person in the world who you can usually be sure will love you forever is your mother.  There are times when almost everyone is alone, a love affair or marriage may end or friends may move away.  Then it is best to want someone who loves you rather than need someone.  If you love yourself, you can find other things you love to keep you busy and make it through lonely times.      

  2. No, it sounds poetic but logically invalid. It is a nice idea - love yourself, but if no one else loves you, then emotionally it is very hard to feel good about yourself. But most likely, those statements are coming from people who have never experienced blanket rejection from everyone.

    If you are alone, then it is hard to find meaning in "self" only....there has to be something greater than that in order to have any kind of lasting emotional fulfillment.

  3. Did you know that song was originally recorded by George Benson and came from the movie "The Greatest", which was about boxer Muhammad Ali?

  4. Yeah, it makes sense. You can't be in a mature relationship if you've come to terms with and have respect for yourself.

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