
Is "maca" good for hot flashes?

by Guest59314  |  earlier

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Anyone ever take it?




  1. Maca is usually used for sexual health and energy.

    A good herb for hot flashes is sage.  It the most common in hot flash supplements.

    Another one worth looking into is a product called NutraFem.  It's made with "proprietary botanical extracts derived from Eucommia ulmoides bark and Vigna radiata beans."  I have quite a few customers on it for hot flashes, and they can't stop raving.  I've heard it doesn't get rid of them totally, but decreases the intensity and frequency by at least 50%.  It is quite expensive though...

    Hope this helps!

  2. Actually, Maca is good for overall sexual health, not hormonal balance.

    If you're looking for something for hormonal health, there are several natural products that can help with that. The most popular natural products for hormone support would be Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Vitex (also called Chasteberry), Wild Yam, Damiana Leaf, Motherwort, GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid, commonly in Borage Oil and Evening Primrose Oil), and some Soy germ products.

    Good luck!

  3. My mom uses sage tea.  She says it works wonders.  She buys it by the case and drinks it several times a day.  Her physician told her about it.  Here are some links below that talk about sage:

    Just do a Google search for sage and hot flashes.  Tons of sites come up.

    The tea is a little hard to find, she used to get it at a health food store, but found it was cheaper and easier to order it by the case online.  Also, you drink it cold, really fast, not like regular tea, as hot tea wouldn't help a hot flash very well!

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