
Is "storm" feminine or masculine in English Language?

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Is "storm" feminine or masculine in English Language?




  1. I'll bet you are thinking of Gustav, the hurricane. . . .

    In 1941 we started naming them women's names, then in 1979, we alternated.  A , the first one of the season would be a mans name, B a womans C, a mans etc.  Since we just had Gustav, the next will be H, a womans name.

  2. In the English language we don't have feminine and masculine words.  Other countries in Europe do, but not England.  Hope this helps!

  3. In the English language nouns do not have gender.

  4. In English, "Storm" is a masculine word. You will hear people tell you that in English, there aren't Feminine (fem.) or Masculine (mas.) words but there are indeed! We don't have mas. or fem. words as in other languages where you know its mas. or fem. by seeing if there is an "a" or an "o" at the end of the word. But in English we have mas. and fem. words in which we associate them with mas. or fem. things. Like the name Andrea it is a femine word and we associate it with a girl's name. Mark is a masculine word and we associate it with a boy's name.  Radio is masculine, Rose is femine becuase we associate it with something fem. You see how it works?

    Hope this helps!

  5. English nouns do not have genders, except for certain words (actor vs actress, waiter vs waitress).

    In any case, as a name, it's feminine.

  6. There is no feminine or masculine in English except when talking of a person or an animal. A female dog is feminine and a male cat is masculine etc.

    It would be "the storm".

  7. Neither; like all nouns relating to inanimate objects in English, it is neuter.The practice of giving storms first names is merely a convention to identify them; you will note that the names are alloted in alphabetical order.

  8. If it was a name for something i think it would definently be masculine.  

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