
Is "world peace" possible?

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If world peace is a possibility, why hasn't it been achieved?

If world peace is an impossibility, what makes it impossible and how can we make the most of what is possible?




  1. Anything is possible, the question should be is it probable...answer, NO.

  2. I don't think it is possible... I wish it was though.

  3. As long as there are unavoidable feelings like jealousy, anger, depression, and more there wont be world peace. The only thing I can do is keep peace and happiness in my own heart and soul and hope it feeds others. It all started with a grain of sand.

  4. It depends upon your definition of "peace".

    If peace is simply the absence of war then you need to question your definition of "war".

    Provided there is life on this planet, there will always be conflict.

  5. Yes, it is possible, but unfortunately it isnt probable.

    the way the world works right now, its unlikely

    you would have to get rid of major forms of government  for starters then everyone would have to go to local or tribal governments and thats not going to happen.

  6. Unfortunately, there will never be world peace in our lifetime. A good example of this is to put 10 strong opinionated people in one room and see if you can get them to 100% agree on anything - especially politics and religion. Sadly, it just can't be done.

  7. In a word, No.

  8. If it is essential to humanity then it is more than possible.

    We first need to remove racial barriers by teaching the importance of acceptance of race and every human being must first know that before their color of skin and country of origin and regardless of language they speak they must know that they are a citizen of the human race.

    We then must teach acceptance of other religions in public and private school across the world and in remote places. And teach them to be more open human beings.

    We must recognize gender equality and actually give women rights to vote, free speech, free choice and will, especially in very consevative societies.

    We must recognize territory of countries and by doing do recognize historical evidence and have disputed territory be dealt with in a peaceful manner. Which may include territorial sharing deals.

    Also the elimination of poverty and ignorance is also key in doing so.

    As well as swallowing one's pride if needed.

  9. First, "world peace" must be defined. Is it a lack of war? A lack of hatred? One world government? One world religion?

    "World peace", as in a lack of war and a general environment of peaceful existence is a virtual impossibility. There are too many people with too many differing definitions of what is required for world peace. There are some people that believe Armageddon must occur in order for true world peace to occur. Others believe that all persons must be of one religion, one nationality, one race or even that one gender must first be removed. As long as there are such a wide variety of conflicting beliefs and requirements for 'world peace', it will remain unattainable.

    We can, however, strive to reduce anger and conflict in the world. The most powerful tool we have is to encourage understanding and tolerance. We must strive to educate people to accept that everyone has a right to a different world-view and that as long as someone's actions do not directly harm others, every person has the right to conduct themselves according to the dictates of their own conscience. This is as close to 'world peace' as we can ever get.

  10. Not while men are running things, they are too warlike and quick tempered.

  11. Not as long as the Arabs/Jews KKK, and other people are taught hate at birth.

  12. Just look around your town/village.

    Are you all in harmony?

    Just think how much more difficult that would be to spread across the cultures on our planet.

    I know that Coca Cola and others have tried to piggy back on the notion of world peace, but it's a bigger issue than a fizzy drink.

  13. if there was world peace there actually wouldnt be any peace because everything would be incredibly boring not to say i like atomic bombs killing people but like not everyone will always agree with each other and it can lead to huge mistakes if everyone thinks one way and that one person is wrong

  14. World peace is more than possible, it is essential

  15. Start with the smallest example, your family. Is there peace within your family unit? Not always because there is discord with one or another daily. The only control (used to be anyway) was the autocratic decisions of the parents. Now multiply that a billion times. All populations are different in economic levels, there will be discord with those at the lower level. Those at the higher level will want to maintain that level and gather power over the lesser, an autocratic dictatorship. This nation is democratic, not autocratic. We try to keep peace with one another without being told other than keeping the law. But what about those who rape, rob, murder? All societies have that. To answer your question, we all have to work hard to eliminate that which separates us all before world peace can be achieved. But attempting it will only make those who do not want to separate themselves from the "pillar top" to cause discord to derail the effort.

  16. Almost anything is possible.  If you asked an ancient person if flight was possible they would say that is ridiculous.

    Yes peace is possible, though by no means easy, but the greatest obstacle to achieving it is that so many people believe that it isn't possible.

    Yes we humans have never truly seen peace on a wide scale and for a long duration but we have made some progress towards that goal and there is no reason to think that we can't keep progressing to the ultimate goal.

    We humans haven't lyet earned to put aside our differences and our fears, yes fear is a major obstacle to peace, but thats not to say that we can't learn to live without fear and with peace.

    The first step in solving any really difficult problem is believing that you can.

  17. It's possible but unlikely.  What we are stuck with is essentially global sibling rivalry, so unless everybody grows up and gets over themselves, we will remain stuck in a vicious cycle of violence and discord.

  18. no not possible at all people hate others too much such a shame  

  19. "Kids" being Stabbed in Daylight it would be nice sometimes to think like that at the moment thy neighbour is being robbed

  20. without Illuminatis and Zionist, it is.

  21. Not as long as there are humans on it

  22. Well...miracles do happen!

    Adam D.

  23. Everything IS possible.

    Nothing is impossible.

  24. It's not possible because the bad in people can't be controlled by the good.  It's the natural balance of things - another way of saying we don't know.

  25. No cuz then there wouldnt be any fun in the world/

    Besides who wants all dem hippies runnin about.

  26. Not if no one will believe and strive for it.  

  27. Yes it is possible, but it will involve some radical thinking and change, such as:

    No more countries, no religion, no posessions, no materiallistic thinking.

    when people can except that we are all different yet still human, it could happen.

    It would involve no one in charge, but everyone involved. Wouldnt it be something to love each other because we are just human? Yes It is possible but are people willing to forget and unlearn everything we know about society and culture?

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