
Is race a fundamental aspect in Latin America?

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Is race a fundamental aspect in Latin America?




  1. The following document explaines seriously that there is no scientifically reliable way to characterize the human variety with the rigid terms of "RACE" or „RACES“ or with the traditional "RACE" concept. There is no scientific reason to use the term "RACE" further. It wouldn’t be scientifically and politically correct.

    „The advance of medical sciences in the past century has made it possible to refute the ideas that had been used to rationalize racism, for it is now agreed within the scientific community that phenotypic differences do not constitute significant differences between human beings and it is consequently INCORRECT TO SPEAK OF RACES ...“

  2. You mean as fundamental as it is in American Society? It depends on the country (you did have that in mind didn't you?) but most of them do not hold race as a useful category to organize public policies. In Brazil, for example, introducing equal opportunity in schools had a low public response because "blacks" did not recognize themselves as African Americans (or as blacks for that matter). Something hard to understand in the States. In Mexico history has underlined the existence of only one "race" the mestizo. There is a small population of African descendants, but they do not considered themselves different from the mestizo category. Only recently has a new category emerged: indigena, but usually it is not used as a racial category but rather as a vulnerable group.

    This does not mean  racism doesn't exist, but you asked about race, not racism.

  3. No, everybody is completely mixed here (at least in my country). In racist cucaracha countries, such as the arian Argentina, if you aren't white you are risking your life.

  4. Race has been an extremely fundamental aspect in Latin America; and, in many ways, more so than in the United States.  It is believed by some in the United States that the issue of race and/or racism is only a major issue in their own country; however, this would be a very blind assumption.  

    Issues concerning race were present beginning with the emergence of Europeans in the Caribbean as it was believed by Europeans that indigenous people were somehow inferior to the modern European of that time.  Likewise, supposed "sub-human" races (i.e., Africans), as they were believed, were transplanted into the Caribbean through slave ships and the racial divide as existed ever since.  Today, the Caribbean is divided by race, particular between blacks and European descedents.  Both Puerto Rico and Cuba are strongly divided among race as the island demography and geography can attest--more blacks tend to inhabit one side of the island rather than interdispersed throughout the entire population.

    Mexico and Central America have also demonstrated strong racial divide.  While "mestizo" culture is considered to be a symbol of pride in Mexico, indigenous populations are considered less than worthy for assistance through laws and policies (as witnessed by Mayan populations in the Chiapan highlands as they fight for communal rights for property).  Strong divide in Central American between blacks and mestizo is also prevalent.  Traditionally, the eastern shores of Central America are predominately black while the western shores of Central America are predominately mestizo descent.  Likewise, in South America, the primary racial divide exists between indigenous tribes and European descendants.  

    In general, race is an issue that affects the entire globe.  And, this is no different in Latin America.  Is race a fundamental aspect in Latin America?  You bet; and their laws and policies reflect this tension among the populations.  Latin America is as diverse as the United States and the challenges faced by various populations living and working together will continue well into the future.

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