
Is race or gender a serious factor in the workplace?

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  1. As long as you fit the qualifications, you'll be fine.

  2. For a medic...nope..unless your working off shore...even then..not really.

  3. of course you can. society is really bad these days. employers will be more likely to hire a black man than a white man, a woman than a man, and a mexican more than a white.

  4. Racism in the workplace?  I really hope not, although there are plenty of obscure areas in this nation alone that may follow certain beliefs that are much more different from yours or mine.  As sad as that sounds, you may never know.  

    As for gender, I once worked at a daycare where we had one male employee who wasn't allowed to change diapers for some reason or another.  But Paramedics are very gender-neutral from what I've seen.

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