
Is rain clean?

by  |  earlier

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like... if i were to some how "capture" rain water, would it be clean, drinkable freshwater?




  1. In most cases, drinking rain is ok... but it is not recommended.  

    Rain is naturally acidic with a PH normally between 5.5-6 due to the carbonic acid that is produced thru chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Compare that to distilled water (free of all ions) with a neutral PH of 7.  Acid rain occurs when pollutants cause reactions in the atmosphere to reduce the PH even lower below 5.5.  Some regions of the world have extremely acidic rain due to the composition of the air particles.  As a result, the rainwater likely would not be safe in some cases to drink as you can become ill.  

    All in all, drinking rain water in most parts of the world will not harm you, although boiling the water before should help reduce any contaminates.  

    Don't worry though,  a few drops on the tongue never hurt anyone!

  2. If you are in a more 'country', or non high populated area then it would deffinately be suitable for drinking.

    If you're in a high population area though, there's a high possiblity that it's acid rain or highly polluted.. Still safer than tap water though.

  3. I don't think it's a good idea!!

    Now you can sing in the rain. That's a lot of fun

  4. no, it comes from the ground

  5. its clean but you cant drink im not exactly sure why i think it needs purification

  6. 13/ ya i guss

  7. Well depends if its acid rain then no but i guess its safe enoght to drink

  8. well not really un less all the lakes and river are clean becuase thats were the rain come from the clouds eveapourate it and the clouds let them out like there a sponge

  9. It depends on how polluted the area is. Some places are so polluted that when it rains it like acid...acid rain.

  10. Depends on where you live. If you live like in New YOrk, New York, most probably the water wont be clean. It will be acidic and totally not clean. lol  But i fyou live like in a small town, or w/e., it wil lmost likely  be clean. lol
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