
Is rain on your wedding day IRONIC, or just BAD LUCK?

by  |  earlier

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Or good advice that you didn't take?

Or a traffic jam when you're late?

Or a fly in your wine?

Or spoons when you need a knife?

Or meeting the man of your dreams then his wife?

....that song....

So are those things IRONIC, or just BAD LUCK?

I know the dictionary definition of irony. No need to quote it for me.

Just having a little argument with a friend ;)




  1. both and yet neither...sometimes stuff just happens

    that's life

  2. Neither one. It stems from an old saying:  "Happy is the bride that the sun shines on today."  Therefore, if it's raining, it infers that the bride cannot be happy.  Just disregard it, for it's an old wives' tale.  The weather has nothing whatsoever to do with a bride's happiness or lack thereof.  

  3. Rain on your wedding day is, actually, cited to be a sign of good luck.

    " In the Hindu tradition rain on the wedding day is lucky as it it is believed to forbear a strong marriage. The logic behind this belief is that a wet knot (supposedly) is harder to untie."

    Good advice that you didn't take would be ironic if the person offering the advice is almost always wrong.

    Traffic jam would be irony if you used the freeway with a reputation of never having a delay.

    A fly in your wine would be ironic if the wine were called "fly me to the moon" wine.

    A knife company having only spoons in the cafeteria would be ironic.

    Meeting the man of your dreams......and then his wife might be ironic if he lied to you and said he was unmarried.

    The actual fact that these instances happened, without relationship to any other expected outcome would be, in my opinion, just the draw of the card.....luck.

  4. None of these things are bad at all; you have simply trained yourself to think of them as bad. I happen to think rain is great and love when it rains. You don't take good advice, it's your fault, and you will do better next time. You're in a traffic jam and it's late, well it's your fault you're late and you could have prevented that by being early! A fly in your wine? Some people would actually have a good laugh at that! Etc.

  5. Rain On Your Wedding Day =Badluck

    good advice you didn't take - bad luck

    fly in wine = bad luck

    spoons for knife = ironic

    traffic jam when late =ironic

    man of dreams with wife = ironic

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