
Is raising children the greatest contribution to society a man can make?

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Is raising children the greatest contribution to society a man can make?




  1. yes

  2. No, millions of "parents" have managed to raise children who grew up to be murderers, rapists, molesters, terrorists, thiefs, good-for-nothing dependent-on-society adults. Hey someone "contributed" Adolf Hilter and George W. Bush to society didn't they?

    A person's greatest contribution to society is using their unique capabilities to make a difference that benefits humanity. A scientist, inventor, doctor, lawyer, social worker, educator, missionary, and even the person who cleans out your trash every week contributes to society in a way that cannot be deemed inferior to a parent's job.  

  3. No, paying for them is  

  4. Feminist society has made it clear that men shouldn't have the right to raise kids but expect us to finance them.

       But looking at how society treats fathers in the new's,media, healthcare and how the democratic candidate with daddy issue's insulted fathers on fathers day(could you imagine if a politician lectured mothers about the need to stop abusing there children on mothers day? since over 70% of all child abuse and murder is at the hands of mothers not counting abortions).

    Society treat's men like c**p then expects us to "man up" and do what they think we should do.

  5. Yes unless he invents a clean renewable source of energy.

  6. no nor is it for women. they can skip the kids thereby not contributing to overpopulation and they could do somethign else worthwhile that would improve the lives of many by being a great musician or something.

    if they do have kids though, in my opinion they should raise them because not doing so is to their detriment and to society's as a whole.  

  7. If done correctly then yes

  8. Yes, I feel its my greatest achievement. I'm an average guy and I'm not going to produce any great works of art or reinvent the wheel.

    (honest answer)

  9. probably.  but *looks at population* it seems some people are trying to contribute a little too much.

  10. No. It isn't the best one.

    Finding cures for diseases, saving people from tragedies and inventing things is more of a contribution then raising kids..

  11. There's surprisingly less misogyny on this question than I expected - I thought the anti-feminists would be queueing up to tell you that men have made great scientific and medical contributions and that their careers are very important, whilst women are only worth something if we turn ourselves into baby making machines.  

  12. i would have to disagree. yes raising a child can be a great contribution, but its how that child is raised that will make or break this idea. it depends on the child, if the child grows up to be a serial killer or a rapist, then its obvious that they're not the greatest contribution ot society.

    the greatest contribution an man, or woman for that matter, can make to society is anything that can better their society. by helping out and by taking an active positive role in society. one man, or woman, can change the world and its their actions that can cause a domino effect that make the change. so i guess positive proactive ideals are the best contribution anyone can make to society, because unlike everything else, ideas are the one thing that can last a lifetime and more. because it wont jsut change society, it can change the very person it touches. ^__^

  13. what are you on about?

    Surely you mean "Is raising children in a positive manner the greatest contribution to society"

    Which particular society, what could be deemed as a positive manner?

    Without a good understanding the issues that affect modern western and british society i doubt many are in a key position to comment!

    Knowing and sharing common ideas of what constitutes a positive upbringing, needs to come from open communication and an acceptance of values from many different backgrounds and perceptions of living from different people.

    As many people don't share common values and perceptions of what constitutes a good upbringing its impossible to measure unless we choose to adopt tried and tested routs of education that gives positive outcomes for this bringing up their children.

    then of course the knock on affect has to be measured in the future!

    your question has  so many different routes ofthinkingg..i would suggest being a little more expansive and specific!

  14. I wouldn't say the greatest unless you were so structured with your child they turned out to be a productive whiz kid and followed through with becoming President of the United States or something.

  15. No because any thicko can bonk!

  16. Raising children WELL is the greatest contribution a person can make. Raising a bunch of chavs is the worst thing we can do! After all, we are producing the next generation of leaders, inventors, artists etc. There is no point having cures for diseases etc if there is no-one left to cure.

    EDIT - KSM - do you imagine that all those doctors etc you love came out of nowhere?? You seem to accept that "parents", as you put it, produced the bad guys - well does it not occur to you that parents also produce the good guys. They did not just pop into existence you know.

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