
Is rape about power or sexual attraction or opportunity?

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If 80% of rapes happen to women under 30, is it because the victims havent been around the block and are vulnerable? Or is it because the perpetrators find youth more attractive?




  1. Rape is about HATE and power (and opportunity). Most rapists hate women, but they usually fixate their hate on a "type" of woman, some even preferring a certain hair color. It is not that these men are attracted to those "type" of women (although they could be), it's that they demonize them. Attraction is not the main impetus, hatred, and the need to hurt and humiliate, is.

  2. It's about power.  That's been shown over and over again by numerous studies on rape.  The reason that younger women (men too) are targets is that younger people are more likely to be out and about than are older people, and thus more available to a rapist.

  3. it's all about power. rapists don't rape to have s*x or because the girl is pretty. they feel inferior and need the power rush

  4. i'm thinking it's all 3 cuz the person wouldn't try it if he/she knew they didn't have a chance to do it and get away w/o being caught.

  5. It's completely about feeling in control and having the power.

  6. It's about a predator getting off on the fear of its prey as it imposes it's will on the prey to satisfy its lust.

    It usually involves sexual intercourse, but not always.  In extreme cases, the predator kills the prey to feed its bloodlust.

    The selection of prey depends on the tastes, moods and past experiences of the predator.  A predator usually stalks its prey and waits for the opportune moment to fulfill its lust.

    The quickest way to turn off a predator that has a hold of you is to stick your finger down your throat and puke.

  7. It's about "unrequited" Anger... (a lot of pent up rage- taken out on a helpless victem...).

  8. it's really about desperate man trying to force s*x on to unwilling women ;so I think it's sexual attraction+opportunity= not getting caught or blamed. It is really about males trying to spread their genes by whatever means possible,nothing to do with power as such!

  9. I always laugh when people think rape has anything to do with s*x. These people could pay for s*x with a street hooker. They want control and power. Who says young women are the only rape victims? A rapist will rape whenever there is an opportunity to do so. It has nothing to do with attraction because it has nothing to do with s*x.

  10. It's strictly about power. Rapists pick the victims they see as weak. BTW women older than 30 get raped every day. Statistics about rape are extremely unreliable because most rapes are never reported.

  11. Dazed and confused really is confused- and he makes Led Zep sound bad! Grrr.

  12. Well, people say it's an act of violence but I don't agree.  I think it is an act of s*x because you rarely every hear of an ugly fat women being raped.  I think there would be fewer rapes if women dressed more modestly.

  13. it's about control and power

  14. I think its all about self sexual consumption. More control to get a selfish fix then power. I think it's because the perp finds them more attractive and they are an easier target. It would be harder to find and plan out an elderly rape vs. a drunk college girl.  I also think that probably the younger people report it more then the older. What if people at nursing homes are being violated and they don't know how or who to tell?

  15. Not really, because there are women over 30 who're proven victims of rape and sexual assault. It's more about control over the victims that it is anything else. Women and men of all ages, races and sizes are victims of rape and sexual assault.

  16. My opinion is when you think of rape you think about control, and why do most people think only women get raped? This assumption always frustrates me.

  17. 80 year old women DO get raped.

    Psychologists agree rape is all about power: the victims are degraded and humiliated.  There are a number of profiles used by law enforcement: each profile (though) revolves around the rapist's need for power and control, and hatred of women.

  18. It's about sick mother *******.

    BTW not all rapes are on women.

  19. control , power, humiliation ...

      look it up!

  20. A crime has always a motive and the motive doesnt necessarily stay the same for every crime. While the motive is oftentimes obvious in robbery (sometimes its insurance fraud) murder for example can have many motives, so can rape.

  21. Because 80 year olds don't go out at night!

    It's about all of that and much more.

  22. Rape is ALWAYS about power. always always!!!! and it has nothing to do with the victim, they could be a powerful, outgoing kick a** girl, and still get raped....age also has a baring, but , then again, almost 90% of women that are raped know their attackers.

  23. All of the above. All of the above are usually present.

  24. It is a crime of assault and an exhibition of power.

    Do keep in mind that the elderly are raped as well, but it is alos a crimne of opportunity and the elderly are not out as much as the younger crowd

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