
Is raspberry leaf tea safe for me?

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I am 39 weeks pregnant and only 60% effaced and 1 cm. dilated... my doctor says my cervix is still pretty thick. I bought some Raspberry leaf tea from a health food store, is it safe to use? I heard it gets your uterus ready for labour. Also would evening primrose be safe to take to soften my cervix? All answers helpfull. Thank you.




  1. yes those natural remidies are safe as long as it is not castrol oil that can lead to dehydration and make you sick and not do anything. i drank hot sauce with my last two. that did it both times but gives massive heart burn. but nothing is certian to work. baby will come when the baby is ready. good luck and congrats

  2. Rasberry leaf tea doesn't induce labor, but it helps with it!  It strengthens your uterus and makes labor easier and in a lot of cases shorter.  It is completely safe to drink and is good for you.  It is also good to drink after the baby is born, it helps everything go back to normal faster.

  3. Some people should not drink it in the first trimester, but seeing as you are right at the end you can drink it. I drank it cold, it's a nice tasting tea warm too. I have never used Evening Primrose though..

    Good Luck! =)

  4. yup, it makes labour easier and quicker apprently lol worked for my mother but not for me. i say go for it, i started taking the tablets at 30 weeks. it's def safe, and member baby wont come till baby is ready!! :)

  5. They are both fine to take. Rasberry leaf seems to work on me. When I drink a lot of it I can feel like menstrual cramps - this is the cervix ripening. EPO works as it contains precursors to prostaglandins - the hormones they put in a gel form to stimulate induced labour. But this is a very low dose. s***n also contains prostaglandins in a stronger form than EPO (although not as strong as the stuff at the hospital).

    60% effaced sounds pretty good to me. More than half way effaced. By the way from what I have researched your dilation does not progress in set increments every hour like we would imagine. Some women remain at 1cm until transition - the last bit of labour - when suddenly their dilation goes right up.

    Some get to 6cm without feeling a thing and are suprised at the docs (this happened to my friend)

    Some take 24 hours of hard labour to reach 6 cms and then go up to 10 in 20mins!

    This is good to know in labor so you dont get discouraged if you seem to be progressing slowly.


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