
Is reading in an airplane bad for your eyes?

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I'm just wondering since reading while in a car is bad for your eyes.

Oh and what is the reason that reading on an airplane is good or bad.




  1. It is not bad to read in the car as long as you are a passenger and not the driver.  I know some people who choose not to read while driving because they get motion sickness easily, but it does not damage your eyes in any way.  The same is true for a plane.

  2. No, reading in an airplane is not bad for your eyes. Neither is reading in a car. The only bad thing is that for some people it can give them motion sickness. Believe it or not the pilots of aircraft do alot of chart/map reading while flying. It is all perfectly safe.

  3. No. sometime ago, scientist proved that there is no long-term damage to the eyes when reading with bad or low light. You will fell your eyes tired, but they will recover.

  4. Reading in the car or on a plane is not bad for your eyes. IT just causes some people to have motion sickness. Not everyone is like that though. I can not read in the car as it makes me motion sick. I can, however, read on a plane.

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