
Is reading program for 2 to 3 year old, good or bad ?

by Guest33760  |  earlier

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Hello parents,

I sent my daughter for reading program, Vital Years since she was 2. It has been a year now. Though she read but the progress is very slow and she can't read the simple books. I wonder whether she has to know her ABCs first, learn to spell and finally learn to read. I taught her ABCs by myself and she recognise them but can't spell yet.




  1. There are basically two ways to learn to read:

    1) c + a + t = cat = furry thing

    2) "cat" = furry thing

    The first one stresses the composition of words, sounding it out, etc. The second one just immerses the kid into the language, and allows them to notice the patterns in language.

    Good for you for teaching her the alphabet. Studies seem to indicate that kids who learn the alphabet and piece words together (method 1) can learn new words faster, and are better spellers. That seems kind of obvious, but there are some parents and schools that insist on letting the kid figure everything out themselves. It sounds like Vital Years may be doing that, if she can't read simple books yet. Find out from their teachers exactly what their method is, and then consult a specialist to find out whether that method is proven effective.

    On your own, just continue fostering her growth. Read to her on a regular basis, stopping maybe once a page and letting her spell out the word, letter by letter. ("Thats right, c-a-t! Cat!")

    Mind you, I am not a specialist in the field of education or psychology, or anything. Two semesters of college psych are all I have to go on here. Still, children are supposed to be picking up language quickly at young ages. (They have a Language Acquisition Device built in.) If she is in a program designed to teach her to read, and she isn't learning, check with the Vital Years people and find out if that's normal. If they say that she is below average, have her checked for a learning disorder. It is unlikely, since there would probably be other behavioral symptoms, but it is best to find out one way or the other VERY early.

  2. VERY VERY VERY VERY< VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!  But try to get a hooked on Phonix Cd. That's how I learned to read. It has books, teaches you how to spell with little games, and your child will be able to read in no time!!

  3. At that age, they should only be developmentally doing reading readiness.  That is, they can learn how to hold a book corrently, turn pages, describe the pictures, follow the text in the correct order.  They could possibly (around 3 years old) learn the letters, and recognize which letters by looks.  If your daughters knows these things, she will come into kindergarten ahead of many of her peers.

    Spelling comes after reading usually.  Most kindergartners spell phonetically, meaning they spell it like it sounds.  They need to read before they know how words look.

    Just keep working with her on letter recognition, and start asking her what sounds the letters make.  (e.g. what sounds does apple start with?  What letter is that?)  She will learn in time.

  4. my eldest daughter read fairy stories with comprehension at 3 years old.but my younger child who is now 5 years old stucks at cvc words and cant comprehend a simple sentence.what im trying to say is that kid is unique on its own.they have their own learning pace and learning pattern.maybe you should look for another learning school ,their pattern of learning dont suit your child.gudluck

  5. read picture books to her and explain and let her ask some questions. for that age, they ask very simple questions that parents don't need to elaborate.  simple question, simple answer.

  6. get her LeapFrog's fridge magnets.

    before she can read she'll need to know what sounds each letter makes, and Leap Frogs letters have a docking station that plays a little song each time you put in a letter, telling the sound or sounds made by that letter.

    You might also try backing off with the classes and structured academics. My 3 and a half year old is reading, and without any formal attempt to teach him. we just provided a literacy rich environment with lots of reading, but I honestly think the toy I mentioned contributed significantly.

    You might want to check out the books "Einstein Never Used Flash Cards"  by Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, and Diane Eyer

    and "How Children Learn" by John Holt

  7. read to her dont expect her to read to you she is a baby not a genius

  8. not that good,

    they sould start learning how to read aroumd the age of 5-7

  9. find her a better reading program

  10. Don't expect too much from a three year old.  For someone that young, knowing the alphabet and recognizing letters is good.  Over the next couple of years, you can concentrate on teaching her simple two, three letter words and work up to four-letter words.

  11. While some children may learn to read at 3 years old, teaching 3-year-olds to read should not be our goal.  It's wonderful that your child is reading, but my advice is to relax. I understand that parents have a lot of anxiety around their children's ability to read. We all want the best for our children, and literacy is an essential life skill. But parents do not need to teach their children to read. Learning to read at school is early enough.

    But---what parents do before their child goes to school will have a profound effect on the child's ability to read. The greatest gift a parent can give their child is a love of reading. Reading should be a fun, joyful, and loving experience that parent and child share together. Read aloud every day with your child. Cuddle with your child while you read together. Share mother goose rhymes and songs with your child. Ask your child questions about what is happening in the story. Create a language-rich enironment for your child---make visiting your local library a regular part of your lives. To ensure that children have letter knowledge before they reach kindergarten, buy fridge magnets or alphabet blocks. Read alphabet books.

    But my advice is still the same....relax. Make reading a loving and exciting part of your family's daily life by reading aloud with your child. "Children become readers on the laps of their mothers"

  12. It will be good eventually you just have to be patient. Maybe you should first start looking at pictures every day or night and after she learn the names and can identify the pictures move on to something harder. That is what I am teaching my brother. He is only 2 and he can identify a bear, apple, milk, juice, house, car, phone, pencil, t.v., cup, dog, cat, butterfly and much more.  He can say the words and make the animal sounds. I hope my advice will benefit you in some way.

  13. What are you expecting?  She is 3.  She's making fine need to push.

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