
Is receiving money and gifts from a rich married guy ok?

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My friend worked for this guy who owns several businesses. She quit but he calls her, takes her to eat and tells her to bring a friend if she wants. He offered her a car, a duplex which she refused to take. She does take the money he gives her every time she sees him and he pays for anything she wants at the salon.

She usually takes a friend and he gives them money and pays for the salon too. Anything they want. The salon girls know him and they also get free money from him. She invited me but I told her I don't find that right (although it sounds great to get anything you want done at the salon especially when the girls there want to do everything to you because they know he'll pay for every thing). She said he hasn't tried anything and he is respectful, but he did tell her that if she was his gf she would have everything. He even told her to stop working and he would give her checks just because. He also gave her money to sponsor a soccer team. The friend who always goes with her, who is L*****n and looks manly (so he doesn't like her that way) keeps pressuring my friend to keep seeing him so they can get free stuff. They are going to the mall. Her aunt and I told her that's wrong. Do you think he really wants to just help???




  1. Some people are very benevolent. They love to help others. I think he's helping her a bit much and if the wife finds out, she will be pissed.

  2. The guy is married, & he is seeking attention from OTHER women so that adds up to nothing good right there on that point alone. But when you factor in that he is essentially PAYING for the extra-curricular female attention then as far as I am concerned that makes the females he is showering all of his money & gifts on of questionable character.

    Tell your friend that it's never too late to change her behaviour, & mend her ways, and tell this sugar daddy to spend his money & shower all of his attention on the one woman who is entitled to it... HIS WIFE!

  3. share the wealth...........hahahahhahahaaaa

  4. As long as he's not married and he has to be good-looking -I'm not about to take money from a man I wouldn't want a relationship with. That's just too narley.

  5. Oh yeah sure he only wants to help!  And wants NOTHING in return....surely you don't believe this c**p!  One day he is going to tell her she needs to pay up....Your friend obviously has very little self respect....and her brain is permanently out to lunch....

  6. hello, open u'r eyes she's sleeping with him!!  and if she dont mind being called a "w***e" or a home wreaker than by all means keep doing it.

  7. I did not read all your details. It is OK as long as she will comply with all his demands. A man does not give money to a woman. A man invests in a woman pursuing his goal to unveil what is a secret to him so far. The key word is investment where he may gain or lose. However, too much investment will turn the woman into a debtor. At that time, she has to pay the dividends.If you do not believe what I said, ask this man to give his money to church where there is no return and watch his reaction.

  8. She's a s**t and homewrecker!!! Woman like that give us a bad name...

  9. Tell your friend that you get nothing in life for free.  One of these days this fat Indian guy will want to be paid back and knowing some Indian guys can be pigs he will only want one thing s*x.  Tell your friend she must stop communicating with this guy she is asking for trouble he is married and she is just will end up being used as much in the future as she is using this guy now.  This guy says bring a friend because he is thinking maybe the payback can be threesome.  Do not get involved stay away far away.  

  10. no he doesnt really just want to help. he is married. that's a red flag. if he wanted to help he wouldn't do so much for her, he would help other people too. its wrong and she should stop. she's gonna be the other woman in his marriage and i dont think she wants that hanging over her head. i mean does she think about how the wife would feel if she found out?

  11. No, there has got to be something more going on because men dont just give women free money all the time! I have never heard of that and it sounds like she's doing whatever he wants that way shell get the money. What their all doing is wrong and not a good situation at all so you and your Aunt are correct. I hope she gets out before shes in way over her head!

  12. If she really isn't sleeping with him , I'd say he has something going on in his mind.  Who knows, this great guy (who is weird by the way) may end of being the end of her.  Has she dated anyone while friends with this man?  I bet not.  I'm sure he sees them as being together now, or later, he does.  It's a big chance to take, and you have to admit it's wrong so the truth will come out and I think she'll discover he has a relationship with her much more serious than she wants to believe.  I'd stay away if I were you-it looks bad and smells bad-I'd say it's bad!

  13. yes, it's wrong.If he wants to help the needy and downthrodden, there are many orphanage,old age home(Recently plenty in India),missionaries of charity etc where he can donate. the BIG thing is the hidden agenda.your friend has certainly encouraged him a lot and sees him as a milking cow or ATM. it's not fair. you keep away from your friend.The fatty Indian and your friend will drag you once, then no way to escape. keep away from such miserable elements.

  14. Well, obviously ''Your Friend'' is You

    so cut the c**p

    Yes it is wrong

    even a 17 year old like me can see it

    so come on, dont do that anymore

    I mean, tell ''your friend'' not to

    Have a nice day s**y Baby

  15. It's wrong. And she's sleeping with him! She just doesn't want to tell you because he's fat and nasty. He's not doing this for nothing though. There are lots of pretty girls out there. If one won't sleep with him, he would just move on and find one who would. Gross...

  16. test him.. tell him to help me.. i am a single mother with 4 kids i need all the help i can get. i'll take the condo or the checks!.. i need a place to live! we are flooded in florida right now...  

  17. everything comes with a price eventually.

  18. Yeah it is wrong!!!  and they are nothing but a bunch of cheap tricks. It will come back on them. You reap what you sow. Treat others the way you want to be treated. And the  worst part is he married. what low lives.

  19. He obviously wants more from her, but if he's not getting it and is still pouring money all over her, he's an idiot. Personally, I wouldn't take advantage of someone like that because I'd feel bad for his wife and family.

    She may continue on being greedy, but how much respect can you have for yourself if you're using someone for money.  

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