
Is recycled paper weaker than normal paper?

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Is recycled paper weaker than normal paper?




  1. it depends... if the recycled paper is combined with thick papers, maybe it's stronger than normal paper...

  2. Every time paper gets recycled the fibers get chopped shorter and shorter so YES it is weaker but not noticably so.  Recycled paper is usually recycled the 2nd or 3rd time onto tissues or mixed with a lot of 1st generation paper to maintain it's strength.

  3. I don't think so.  Look at the books you have in your house, on some of them you'll be able to find in small print somewhere that it was printed on recycled paper.  It's always seemed just as strong as regular paper to me.

  4. Yes. There is a limit to how many times paper can be recycled. Bond paper can be recycled into writing or copier paper which can be recycled into newsprint, which can be recycled into insulation or facial tissue or toilet paper. That's about the end of the line.

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