
Is recycling cans really such a good idea?

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Ok, I know recycling anything surely has to be a good thing but here in the UK a tv ad was regularly shown to promote the recycling of cans. The ad showed animated images and the voice over said something like:

"Just think of all the great things your can could be recycled into! It could become part of a washing machine, or perhaps a car, or even an areoplane... or mayby it might become just another can?"

So here I am taking my stash of cans to the recycle bin and as im tipping them in all I can think about are all the 'great things', like all the cars and huge dirty jumbo jets spewing out filth that my cans are going to be recycled into.

Of course I will continue to recycle everything I 'can' but in my eforts to reduce my own carbon footprint im questioning is it all realy worth it?

(I will post the ad if I can find it)




  1. Yes because they'll make the planes out of raw materials because they'll make planes anyway. Plus all them cans save the energy to keep a tv on for a hour each. To make planes from raw materials they need miners ships lorrys huge refinery factorys and more so please recyle the cans. They are good and there not always made into planes.

  2. Obsolutely! It's not going to biodegrade. Recycling is beneficial in two ways: it reduces the inputs (energy and raw materials) to a production system and reduces the amount of waste produced for disposal.

    Recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy cost of processing new aluminum because the melting temperature is reduced from 900 °C to 600 °C. It is by far the most efficient material to recycle. Recycling plastic saves 70% of the energy used in creating new plastic, and paper recycling saves 40% of the energy required to make a new product.

  3. Aluminum is one of the only materials that can be recycled an infinite amount of times.  Normally aluminum cans are recycling into new aluminum cans, and not jumbo jets, etc.  Aluminum cans can go from the recycle bin to new can in under 60 days.

    Also, if you throw cans in the trash instead of recycling them - we'll still build those cars, and jets and airplanes.  We'll just dig up new aluminum and process it to do so.  Which is turn causes even more waste and pollution.

  4. I recycle loads but recently I have witnessed a full recycling van tipping part of his load into a council dump truck. What was the point of me separating it all? Shame cos we should weigh it i ourselves and get some money back instead of giving it to the council. They get enough of my money as it is and at least I could guarantee it would be recycled

  5. Yes, it's a really good thing although I can see why you're asking.

  6. Every little bit helps.

    Cans, both aluminum and steel, are good to recycle because they don't take much processing to reuse the metal.

    Yes, it does seem frustrating and pointless when there are so many big sources of pollution.  Remember: think globally, act locally.  Do what you can around where you are and encourage others to do the same.

  7. YES.

  8. Yes, it is still worth it, because all those things being made from recycled materials will be made wether you recycle or not.  Wouldn't you rather see recycled products in their construction than another strip mine opening up to get more raw materials.

  9. We just do what we can to prevent the inevitable. Some day humans will have to find away to move off this planet to another and maybe the next one will last longer and so on?? or This is all for nothing and Humans will die with the planet. Either way, I'll keep recycling and not worrying about such things.

  10. Well you have to think about it this way, they are going to make the cars and planes regardless of whether you recycle or not. Recycling is saving space in landfills, resources like metals, and money. While it may turn it out to be something dirty, it still has a purpose as opposed to sitting in a landfill.

  11. yes it is. one aluminum can power your computer or tv for 3 hours. so it is best to recycle and when you do, the cans can be reused

  12. yes it is becase we r reusing the cans. it saves money and helps the envoriment. I really think people should stop cutting down trees in the rain forsest. I also think that we need to pick up the trash that we have because then cute lil furry rabbits won't eat it and die. I luv animals and ireally dont want to see them go. my oppion is in a couple of 100,000 years the animals r probally going to be gone. I mean not all but a lot of them. Like poor polar bears r on the endager list because people is frezying there  butt of so they r         the polar bears for there coat. Which is not fair. Yes i can understand for food but now if u wanna kill animals for food be moree like the indians cause they wasted nothing. They used every single part of the animal. SO STOP HURTING THE ANIMALS WHAT DID THEY DO TO U!!!!!!!!!

  13. Yes

    1.  we are getting 50 cents a pound here, which is pretty good

    2.  One can in makes one can out.  Plastic and glass need several containers to recreate one container.

  14. recycling can be done for steel, aluminium and plastics and can make new ones. there are guidelines for recycling. even paper industry is recycling old paper to new paper according to the quality

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