
Is recycling garbage make my garbage bill cheaper?

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my bill is like around 41 will my bill be cheaper if i recycle or will it make it cost more




  1. No. Where I live (upstate NY) you have to pay $60.00 for three months in advance for them to pick your trash up. However they accept recyclables free of charge, because they are going to profit off of you, by reclaiming and selling the steel, plastic, glass, paper, etc.... at a very nice profit.

  2. Our garbage bill is connected to our water bill at $10 per month no matter how much you put out there and they do a heavy trash pickup twice a year which includes everything except chemicals.  They also do recycling which does not reduce the amount on your bill.  I heard on place local was doing recycling as they told the city but was actually just putting it in the landfill.  They said it cost them to much to find and ship to a larger recycling center.

  3. In my city, we have three bins for refuse. Garbage,recycle and garden. We were told that the recycle program would reduce our rates at a later date....after ten years, still waiting.

    Recycle systems are still expensive and in time will pay for themselves. We must still recycle, reuse, re-purpose.

  4. whats a garbage bill? You have to pay to have garbage??

  5. I don't know where you live so I can't say for sure.  All I can tell you for sure is "if" you are charged a flat rate, recycling won't change your bill one way or the other.  If however, you are charged according to how much garbage has to be picked up, it will depend on the company's policy.

    Where I live, recycling is encouraged but there is no discount on our trash bill.  It's a flat rate regardless of how much garbage we have.

  6. wtf is a garbage bill???? Where I live we dont get garbage bills!

  7. You must be in a country other than the US.  I know in Germany they charge you by the kilo for your trash, so recycling reduces that bill. Also unlike the US ( few places do provide free recycling service but most do not) the recycling is free in Germany as well.

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