Why is recycling newspaper truly a good thing? I don't believe it truly is regardless of the brainwashing...
1. A truck has to drive the newspaper to the recycling depot. Wasting a non-renewable energy (gas).
2. A front end loader pushes the paper around the recycling depot again wasint a non-renewable energy (gas).
3. A conveyor moves the paper along a belt while machinary and people remove metals, etc. from the waste. This uses electricity (70% of which uses coal or gas to produce).
4. Electric is used to process the paper and extract the ink.
5. You get the idea....
In all total 6 times the energy consumption and pollution of simply producing a new piece of paper and dropping off the old one at the landfill! The landfills are high tech now a days and can extract methane gas for energy usage. Why are we wasting energy, human resources, etc? Please don't say its a lack of space in landfills, cause Canada/US has tonnes of space and landfills make up a tiny tiny percentag