
Is red bull as bad as alcohol?

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Its filled with caffeinne and another chemical called taurine it makes you overheat, but guys at my school drink four or five of em a day, i usualy arent allowed one, only if i ask my dad and drink it before my mum sees me with it.

why me?




  1. Red Bull is pretty much as bad as alchohol because it can be addictive and bad side effects.

    in my honest opinion i would drink neither, but if you needed a sports drink i would recomend soft lucozade but still dont drink too much.

  2. Well alcohol is a depressant, it lowers your inhibitions, impairs your judgement, and dehydrates you. Energy drinks give you a boost of energy and also dehydrates you.

    Taurine is not a chemical. It is an organic acid that is the building blocks of ALL amino acids. It is located in our heart, nervous system, skeletal muscles, white blood cells and our bile where it is essential to process oils and fat soluable nutrients.

    Most energy drinks have a lot of sugar. This of course increases calories. Too much can cause you to gain weight and possibly lead to diabeties. Each serving has anywhere from 26 - 34 grams of sugar depending on brand.

    Caffeine can dehydrate you if not offset by water. When we are dehydrated we become tired. When people get tired they think the solution is more caffeine. DUMB! The answer is more water. Water increases our motabolism and energy levels by 3% naturally. More than 300mg of caffeine intake a day leads to serious health conditions down the road. Energy drinks have 80mg of caffeine per serving. So just 4 single serving size ones provides 320mg which is over the maximum safe limit.

    The other stimulants in them, besides the B vitamins, are needed by our bodies too but not in that large amounts. It can reak havok with your sleep, your nervous system and your heart. At least the B vitmins are water soluable and will wash out if not needed.

    If used as intended and in moderation they are not bad for you at all. The problem is that most people do not use them as intended and cannot seem to grasp the concept of moderation. If used in moderation alcohol will actually be worse than an energy drink.

  3. I dont think its tat bad to be honest, I think alcohol is much worse. When I drink alcohol I am usually sick, and lose control of myself (yeah I'm not wrecked just like drinkin  a normal amount) but when I drink Redbull I just can't sleep.

  4. Nothing, not even heroin or any class'A' drug is as bad as alcohol, I speak from long and painful experience.

  5. Probably worse!

  6. it is sooo much worse than alcohole. Its like drinking 14 pints of beer but it has no side-affects. I drink Lucazade its the same but healther! lucazade is how a energy drink should be like (a part from the fizzy in it =D) but a part from that u know what i mean but red bull isent too bad if you look at my source.

  7. Only when ya mix it with Vodka

  8. Absolutely Alcohol is worse ..

    But this doesn't mean red bull is good ..

  9. its probably worse, all that sugar is probably really bad for ur heart

  10. yes, i agree... it's worse... cause alcohol have only that, but redbull have a lot of thing, chemicals and stuff...

    u are lucky... cause redbull is very strong.

  11. You mum is very wise!

    Caffeine is a particularly addictive drug.  Drinking several cans a day of the stuff will be hyping the guys up so that their metabolisms are running much faster than usual, it can (often!) cause heart palpitations - especially in such quantities.

    Trying to give up caffeine is very hard - withdrawl symptoms can be as bad as some of the more major drugs.

    Having said that though - it does not affect everyone in the same way!

  12. I wouldn't say Red Bull is as bad as alcohol but it is definitely not good for you and in fact in some places around where we live it has been banned from sale.  It is a very unhealthy drink with so much caffeine.  My husband, who drives long distances for  his job, was once told by a friend that if he got really tired driving to eat a Mars bar and then drink a can of Red Bull and it would keep him going. My husband said he did this and it made him feel  capable of driving faster and longer with less inhibitions and it scared the h**l out of him.  Tests have been done on people who have drunk Red Bull and the results have proved that your driving ability is very impaired. So I don't know what drinking four or five a day would do to you.

  13. increases chances of heart attack...weigh that against liver disease?also depends how much of each you are drinking and how much your body can take.

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