
Is regualr tea bad for kittens?

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My kitten who was born on April 17, 08 just drank some of my moms tea! Will that harm her in anyway? Luckily, the tea wasn't hot. It had no sugar or anything added to it.

Please help!!!




  1. Your little girl will be fine.  But it's probably not a good idea to let her develop a tea drinking habit.  I once had a boy who loved gin and tonic and we had to very careful to make sure that he didn't "indulge"!

    Good Luck!

  2. as long as it wasn't all that much shouldn't be too much of a problem though you should call the vet and ask them  

  3. Probably not, but it's not advisable to let her do it again.

  4. It's perfectly fine!  As long as there wasn't chocolate or poison in that tea, your cat will be fine!

  5. Drinking a little tea will not harm her.  Most cats are curious about what we are eating and drinking so it is naturaal for her to want to taste it.

    Please be sure that she has plenty of fresh drinking water available.  The only other reson she would want to drink tea is that she is thirsty.  Make sure her water supply does not have any dirt or toys in it too.

  6. she will be fine, just don't let her drink any more.

  7. Your cat should be fine.  My cat drinks anything in a cup, Coffee, tea, soda, water, milk, juice, etc.  I wouldn't worry too much about it.

  8. idk but i wolud try milk i had kittens and milk worked

    but i dont think you should'nt try go

    to www.what kittens

  9. your kitten should be fine just keep an eye on it and make sure it doesnt drink anymore.

  10. your kitten is safe. my cat drinks my tea constantly. i have 4 pics on my cell phone of her with her head inside my tea glass drinking my sweet tea, its adorable.  

  11. the oldest cat that ever lived (which i need to point out was an inside AND ouside cat to all the freaks who lock up ther cats) drank tea on a regular basis. his owner sed the key to his long life was a cold tea in the morning and raw chicken for dinner:) she will be fine but i wouldn't recomend giving it on a regular basis to such a little girl but i doubt it will harm her:)

  12. Probably was thirsty

    Make sure to provide enough water for it.  I keep a bowl in my tub and then just fill it when I am in the rest room

    Tea sometimes is good for cats... camomile tea for example.

    Kittens dont' need caffeen .. their hyper enough!  

  13. Your kitten will be fine, it may have an upset stomach for a while because cats are lactose intolerant. Just make sure you keep the tea out of reach! :)  

  14. The kitten will be fine, but shes learning already that your cups hold interesting stuff! Mine always have fresh water available but want to taste what I have all the time.  I have to put a cover on my drinks and one of them still will l**k the side of the cup to get the condensation off the glass.  I think he likes how cold it is since we live in a hot climate.

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