
Is relativism the world's great problem? Why? If not what is and why?

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If this seems to d**n abstract just say so.

And im tired of everyone who says my questions are homework ones. Goddamn if i wanted he help id ask for it outright format and everything.

also i like examples. alot

and anything with new and creative insight

good luck




  1. Ya, I think you're right. Everyone is conditioned by their culture, and it's a prison that is impossible to escape because it is what forms the ego and the individual himself. Until a person becomes enlightened and gets an awareness outside just being an ego, which is possible, but not likely, they have to live in the prison of just being an ego and very limted in understanding anything . So one person born in one culture can't understand completely another's culture and so can't understand that individual. But I think the solution other than becoming enlightened, would be to at least recognize that great limitation, and instead of trying to go beyond it, because you can't, just know it is there. And knowing it is there and knowing nothing can be done about it is probably the first step toward enlightment.

  2. I don't think you could justifiably call it a "problem". It's certainly a prominent ideological question, especially with the recent general decline in religiosity in the Western world.

    It would be a problem if everyone who claimed to be a "relativist" actually *acted* like a relativist in the Nietzchean sense. But I think that most relativist sentiment in the world today is actually just a reaction to and refutation of religious claims of divine knowledge and "the right way to live."

  3. Relativism is only a problem for people who have beliefs and religious dogmas who seek to impose their cultural values on everyone else.

    You write, "Goddamn if i wanted he help id ask for it outright format and everything."

    Well, just exactly what do you want then?  Sympathy for being close minded?  Or someone to do your thinking for you?  Coming up with examples of the existence of relativism doesn't imply problems.  It probably indicates opportunities.  

  4. Nope stupidity is the worlds greatest problem.  Well I guess it's more of the cause of all the problems but thats the problem... I gotta stop saying problem.

    Also on the whole homework thingy I understand the whole asking because you are curious.  Honestly that is why I'm in this section answering things, to keep me amused and thinking a bit.

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