
Is religion changing too slowly? Repost?

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My dad has a theory, i am not saying i agree its just a theory, he says that the bible written by a group of very clever people in order to keep the growing human race in check- jesus was an amazing man but was he the son of a god? If my dad is correct then these clever men have succeeded, in that the world has followed the teachings of the Bible,Qur'an ect, but is religion now slowing us down, is there a need for religion when the majority of its teachings have already been adopted in to modern society and laws. Is religion actually causing more trouble now than it is solving. Is it changing to slowly and creating large sociological divides.

I say this as a question and i am only looking for honest opinions- i am not out to hurt anyone. i am atheist. Im me if you feel you need to speak to me in person. No abuse please!




  1. Religion is based on tradition.

  2. People just look at religion like it’s a problem when in fact it is a united front against modern society. Now all new age religions are just fades, but religions that have been around are the ones we can learn from. I strongly believe that Catholicism is the correct religion, but their are some other very good religions out there as well. I think people without a cause become more restless. I am a catholic and have done much thinking on this. The Catholic religion is based on good. People disagree with all the time but it is. I believe that the human race is very selfish in nature. I’m not saying that by being catholic you just poof into a giving human being. I think without the catholic religion people would not strive to do good. I mean look at the current state of things now more people are turning their backs on religion. By this happening people are ignoring the cries of their neighbors.

  3. Religion in general is a sociological enterprise used by the rich & elite to control the masses of populations.  It is not changing too slowly, because the purpose of religion is to uphold traditions and resist changes (especially in thoughts & ideologies).

    However, in America, religions are changing very quickly due to pressures from philosophical & scientific discoveries.  Christianity is becoming more & more outdated after the beginning of the 21st century.  There are going to be some major changes coming throughout the religious world within this century.

  4. Do you think the sun has to change ?

    Do you think we need a warmer sun or even a cold sun instead sooner?

    If something is truth, there's no need to change.

    I do not mean to support or to destroy any religion.  My point is if it is the truth, why we need to update it?  

    One big challenge for you, do you think your dad should not be your dad one day as time goes by?  Certainly not!  

    Your dad will be your dad forever as this is a truth.  There is no way to change, right?

    If the bible is wrong, there is no need to change.  We better write another.

    If the bible is true, we have to learn from it rather than the need to change it !

  5. moving according doctrine...

    ...thanks for asking...

  6. If you are interested in your dad's theory, read Nietzsche.

    He says that morals were put into the mouth of God by the weak to protect them from the strong. And because of this, the progress of the strong and society is hindered. Also, morals address a need. And when this need changes or is eliminated, the moral that goes along with it, stays the same. And the moral is now useless and can continue to hinder the strong for many many a year.

    I agree with Nietzsche; morals are a tool that the weak use.

  7. Yes, but it began changing. I am atheist also, but I still feel like there is something out there, something commonly called God. Still I don't buy what church is selling nowadays.

    The concept from "what the bleep do we know" fascinated me, and it is exactly what I believe to be true. Also "The secret" - this one I found it to be rather "commercial" for the new concept, but still the same concept. Haven't seen yet "Down the rabbit hole", but I'm looking forward to it, as it is "part 2" of "what the bleep".

    As I am a modest person can't help it to add that I have some very, very, very few (one, in fact) issues with that concept, issues that only prove to me that there is still something more to add.

    Also I do not believe that world is going to end like in "we're all gonna be erased from the face of the Earth". All these endings mean just the end of our previous way of explaining the mysteries of life, as we evolve and need more satisfactory answers.

  8. Good gods, it is fossilized already, isn't it? Changing too slowly! Yes. They are using the narratives created to resonate with the life experience of illiterate medieval folks. No wonder people don't get it, and fundamentalism is rampant. I guess some religions are trying to keep up, but IMO if they can't change the basic metaphors, it's probably hopeless. People find true religion when they are ready; there aren't any good teachers in the institutions of religion.

    I kinda agree with your dad, but not so literally - the problem is that religious institutions have always been used to control people and take their money. That's why the teachings are fossilized and distorted.

  9. P.1302 - §3 The slowness of evolution, of human cultural progress, testifies to the effectiveness of that brake--material inertia--which so efficiently operates to r****d dangerous velocities of progress. Thus does time itself cushion and distribute the otherwise lethal results of premature escape from the next-encompassing barriers to human action. For when culture advances overfast, when material achievement outruns the evolution of worship-wisdom, then does civilization contain within itself the seeds of retrogression; and unless buttressed by the swift augmentation of experiential wisdom, such human societies will recede from high but premature levels of attainment, and the "dark ages" of the interregnum of wisdom will bear witness to the inexorable restoration of the imbalance between self-liberty and self-control.

  10. "Religion" - is all about control.  And the masses of people, used & abused via.. "religion" - It is all about living a lie.

    We will NEVER have a modern society.  I do not see any future other than the same old.. same old..  overpopulation, poverty, starvation, disease..  and then, of course, a very major "world" war.  SOS..  different day/year/century..

  11. Your dad makes a lot of sense to me. Bible was written by a group of people by taking local customs and also borrowing ideas from other faiths and simplifying the preachings that's user-friendly. Quaran and Gita were also addressed to the local people but with time religion become more like a business and people associated with it found out new ways to export their religion to far away places. Over the past three/four thousand years things have changed gradually to the point that a lot of preachings became problematic but the people directly benefiting from the religion are opposed to anything contrary to the original version/interpretation of the book.

    If you look at the whole issue, a book should not be written about any religion because everything is time bound and the meaning and the interpretation will change with time. Either you will misread a book or the correct interpretation is no longer relevant to the present day and time. Religion will be a source of constant battle among people of other faiths as well as people within the same faith.

  12. Your dad has succumbed to the myths that the common man adheres to.

    "Clever" men did not write the books in the bible and the bible wasn't created to control the masses or the growing human race as a check to us. It was created to let us know of God, and His everlasting mercies, His love for us. The men and women who were chosen to show us this were the Hebrews of long ago, and they did not flinch in telling the truth.

    The nation as a whole failed God many times but just as many times God forgave. He kept His promise to Abraham, and Israel. To King David, and his descendants.

    There are sixty six books in the bible and they teach us the history, the wisdom, the prophecies and the poetry of the times they were written. As bad as the history is you have to admit that they did not hide the warts, and the smell of all the bad in them. They hid nothing, and they showed everything we need to know. The good and the evil of us all.

    Religion in the biblical sense does not slow us down. If one would study the books and what they are actually saying they would find that in obeying the laws in faith and in action the whole of the human race would leap forward in grand giant steps that would mesmerize even the devil.

    It is not the religions that are causing the troubles we have per-se. There are religions that cause a great deal of trouble but in the bible (and I'm not even going to go near that mess called the Q'uaran) we are taught to love. That collection of books has that same theme running through out it's books. Love. Love from God and the love we should have for God and the love we should have for our fellow man. Despite the terrible stories told in the bible there is still that central theme that runs through the warts and the evil recorded. In the end it is all about love. This is what the Christ emphasized strongly to all His disciples and Apostles.

    There is no other book that is as concise and succinct in the lessons we need to learn like the bible.

    The bible's lessons are not the reason for creating a large socialogical division amongst us. It is the individuals within society that reject the laws and lessons of the bible that divide us.

    The bible will unite. It is not a religion, but a way to live. You will find that in the old testament and in the new testament. "The way".

    The way God intended for us to live, and the way the Christ taught us to live. It has always been called "the way" by all the Jews and it wasn't until the Christ died that the term "Christian" was coined. We don't know who first coined the word but we do know that it was first recorded to have come out of Antioch. But still .... it is "the way", for us to live.

    As for the belief in God, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, it is all on faith. To see the unseen is hope/faith. God's affect on us and the universe can be seen but not God. Here faith comes in. There is no hope in what is seen as it is right before us and faith is not involved. Faith is involved in what is not seen by man, and that would be God and His Holy Hosts.

    Please reconsider your beliefs. Go to the source of all our information in and on God. Go to the bible and read it with a mind to study what is actually being said over the thousands of years it took to write.

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