
Is religion .............?

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In your opinion,is religion what you're born under and raised as or is it what you as a person,believe in ?




  1. It's what I, as a person, believe in.  The religion I was raised in and grew up with holds little resemblance to the beliefs I have now.

  2. As first responder said, there are aspects of both.  Initially, of course, one is an agnostic, knowing nothing of religion and caring even less.  Parents inculcate children with their own religious views, and the children may or may not have the intellectual capacity and energy to figure out the reality for themselves.  See:

  3. God is what I believe in. My dad was a Christian, but my mom didn't become one until 10 yrs ago. So I didn't always grow up knowing God. My friend brought me to church b/c she loved me and that was the best thing she ever did for me. If she never did what she did, my dad probably wouldn't  have made much effort in ensuring that I believe in God. I'm glad God blessed me with such a friend and that he was looking out for me. I don't know where I would be today if I didn't know Jesus.

  4. A little of both.

    When we're young kids, we go along with the religion we're born into because we don't have the ability to think rationally and analyze.

    Once that part of our brain starts growing, hopefully, we start to think and ask questions about what we believe.

    If it seems right to us, we might continue believing it.  If it doesn't seem right, we might go out exploring other approaches to God and spirituality.

    That's what I did.  In high school I decided that being born a Catholic wasn't enough to stay in the Church.  So I went out and looked into other Christian denominations and even non-Christian religions -- Judaism and Islam.

    About age 23, I came back to the Catholic Church because even with all its faults, it still seems to be the closest Christian Church to what Jesus called us to be and do.

  5. it depends.

    some people are raised into a religion and that's where they stay;

    others break away [or weren't raised to a particular religion] and find their own path.

    neither situation is really wrong if it's truly what they want to believe in, although when you're raised in a religion you tend to not look at other religions with as much of an open mind, so technically you may never know which is the best for you. but that's not what you asked; so i'm done.

  6. What you as a person believe in, my parents did nothing wrong with teaching me christianity, it's just not something I can believe in.

  7. For me the religion I was raised with is the one I believe in.  I studied my religion to decide for myself if it was the one for me and the more I learned the more i realized that it is indeed the right one for me.  

  8. You have to chose to follow Jesus. You must obey the gospel to be a Christian. No one is born a Christian.

  9. both.if my parents chose the right religion then i'll be happy to follow their path.

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