
Is religion the single biggest difference between Liberals and Conservatives?

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Is religion the single biggest difference between Liberals and Conservatives?




  1. I'm liberal Christian!

  2. Yeah. It means I don't have to BELIEVE in God to be an American. Or a liberal. Or a conservative.

  3. No, the biggest difference is what they do with your money. The conservative ethos is to give a bit more of tax back to you in the hope that you'll spend it on the things that, education etc....

    The liberals essentially believe that, as your representatives, they can take that money and put it into health and education FOR you because they think you'll buy plasma TVs with the money.

    This is pretty basic, but along the right lines.

    The difference between a real conservative and a neocon is...a conservative will be fiscally responsible and stop giving you lots of money if they can't afford to...but a neocon will bankrupt the country just as long as they have your vote by stringing you along with promises of $$$.

  4. No, social, financial and political stances are. (Social is usually motivated by religion though)

  5. Integrity, and understanding the constitution are the real differences.  

  6. i think the single biggest difference between rep and dem (dont represent true values anymore).  Is that conservatives are afraid ofoaffending the religious.  Some see abortion as murder, they appose it even though it shackles women.

  7. Well since I am conservative and agnostic I would say the answer is no. There are indeed serious religious factions within the ranks of conservatives, but the prevailing ideology is political, not evangelical in nature, I find that usually those who sink to the lowest common denominator and attempt character assassination usually have no concept of what the real issue are and seek only to discredit rather than enlighten. In short, life is just not that simple friend and to attempt to try and make it so is an insult to all thinking people

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