
Is religion to blame for the lack of interest in environmental issues?

by Guest34079  |  earlier

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If I believed that God created the world, and would decide when it ended I would not be concerned with global warming or pollution, or water shortages. I think this might explain the indifferance that the religious right seems to feel for the enviornment.




  1. People like that are being disobedient to God. We are called to be stewards of this planet. We're supposed to CARE for it, not rape it!

  2. I am a Christen . I feel deeply about our world we live on and believe. that the apathetic attitude of people and the thinking that I can't make a difference is the reasons for some of the environmental problems we have if everyone would just take one item  in there lives and help make it a changee. soon thing would start to chang around we all live here lets all help.

  3. While some religious conservatives might hold this viewpoint, certainly not all do. Some use religion to justify environmentalism because they believe that humans are to be good stewards of the world that God has entrusted us with.

  4. I don't think that religion is to blame, but people have USED religious dogma to justify all kinds of things.

    I think that there is a lack of interest in environmental issues i because the people who waste the most  and subject others to their bad environmental actions do not pay the true cost of their behavior.

  5. EnviornMENTALism in and of itself seems to be a religion.

  6. No, religion and global warming are 2 very different issues!  I think that God is sending us messages using weather. hince the recent hurricanes/global warming.  if we dont stop fighting over our differences, and start working together to clean up our earth then we will keep getting these signs, until our world is beyond repair.

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