
Is remembering the past the only way to guard against furture atrocities? Give at least three reasons.?

by Guest62189  |  earlier

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Atrocities occured decades ago include Rwanda Genocide and Holocaust or WWII.

Today's atrocities include the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Did we really learn from the past? Well, then why are we keep repeating our mistakes?




  1. So Bush is Hitler?  Is he trying to exterminate entire populations and take over the world?  Is he going for Europe next?  No, we are engaged with terrorists who are hostile toward us, who would kill you in a heartbeat if given the slightest chance because of your beliefs, bleeding heart or not.  We are stopping that threat by any means necessary by hitting it in its homeland.      



    the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

    So we're commiting genocide on political groups such as the taliban and al queda...  that's your equivalent to Hitler trying to wipe Jews off the map?

    why do you defend these people?  Maybe you should go over there and introduce your "infadel" self to some of the militants, I'm sure they'll take you right in rather than hold you hostage then kill you when their demands aren't met.  Give it a shot.

  2. Interesting analogy. Completely wrong, but interesting that someone would compare those particular events.

  3. It is one of the ways that we can guard ourselves . For instance we did not learn from the First world war and thus rose the Second World War

    Another way we can guard ourselves is believing that all human beings have the right to exist , no matter how different they are in class , color , language, religion or economic opportunity

    One final way might be through MEANINGFUL dialogue in which nations gather and try to find ways of cooperating with each other and to promote a better world for their constituents.

    We keep repeating our mistakes is because we pass down our prejudices , biases , our allure for power , greed and glory or prestige to another generation and abandon the road to peace because it is not profitable but enterprising.

  4. The reign of king geedubya is the past we'll have to remember.

    Over 13,000 us serveciepersonell wounded? Seriously?

    Blame yourself if you are of voting age, or blame yourself anyway for not contacting the congress and senate with your schoolmates to apply pressure to the branch of government that SURRENDERED to the Executive.

    The buck stops here - with the people.

    And your analogies are overdramatic. They are atrocities, but not of the same order - these mistakes lay in our laps.

  5. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.  It would be good if man did that notice of the past and would stop it from happening again and again and again.

    Greed, power and control  will always come first over a harmonious, peaceful world.

  6. I think we need to not only remember the past but also to know the details of our history-if we know the details and study the things that worked and the things that went wrong and how, then we learn.  Once we learn, one would hope that we apply what we have learned when something similar comes around again.  I don't think remembering necessarily guards against all future atrocities--obviously we can't foresee all of them, but we can certainly act quickly to counteract something which we have already learned in our history.  I think it would be easier to learn if our history books were accurate and our children were taught the truth (The Indians for instance, and the way we mistreated them.)

    Unfortunately we do keep repeating our mistakes, I think part of it right now is because our citizens have become too lazy and brain dead from all of the c**p they watch on t.v. instead of reading or conversing with the people who lived through some of the things that are now repeating themselves.  Rwanda is a horrible example of just how much we don't care what is going on in a country if they don't have any resources that we want to steal.  We will be going into Iran soon because of our desire to get the oil there in our grips.

  7. Umm, because we are human. And humans have emotions that cause them to react and act.

    Because we are violent. Was there ever a point in history where there was no war?

    Because tolerance is something that we strive for but it may not look the same to all of us.

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